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Genomics glossary & taxonomy
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Basic genetics &
starts with a brief explanation of differences
between genetics and genomics Other related glossaries include Cancer genomics
Genomic categories Molecular
diagnostics, Genetic & genomic testing Pharmacogenomics
Applications: Ultimately Drug discovery
& Development Molecular
diagnostics & genetic testing and Molecular Medicine
are the end applications of both genomic and proteomic technologies, data and
Informatics Bioinformatics
Genomic Informatics Technologies
Genomic Technologies Microarrays
PCR and Gene Amplification Sequencing
is concerned with the complex behavioral, biological, social,
chemical, and physical interactions of living organisms with their environment.
Both the term and the research field are relatively new and encompass other
domains like biodiversity, ecology etc.. The aim of
biocomplexity research is to discover, access, interpret, integrate and analyze
complex ecological data. Wikipedia
Broader terms: complex, complexity
completed genomes:
This depends to an extent on how you define "complete".
Portions of the human genome are unsequenceable with today's technology. Related
term: Human Genome Project HGP-
completion Sequences,
DNA & beyond finished sequence
Completed genomes links:
Genomes European Bioinformatics Institute, UK
complex trait:
Has a genetic component that is not strictly Mendelian
(dominant, recessive, or sex linked) and may involve the interaction of
two or more genes to produce a phenotype, or may involve gene environment
interactions." [NHLBI]Related term: genetic architecture
complexity:: Currently there are more than 30 different mathematical
descriptions of complexity. However we have yet to understand the mathematical
dependency relating the number of genes with organism complexity. [J. Craig
Venter et. al. "The sequence of the Human Genome" Science
291 (5507): 1347, Feb. 16, 2001]
Complexity Science comprises a toolset that examines large scale behaviors of
complex systems by looking at how individual components of those systems
interact with each other and their environment. From these interactions novel
behaviors emerge. Stuart Kauffman
An ill- defined term that means many things to many people. Complex things
are neither random nor regular, but hover somewhere in between. Intuitively,
complexity is a measure of how interesting something is. Other types
of complexity may be well defined. Gary William Flake, Computational
Beauty of Nature: Computer Explorations of Fractals, Chaos, Complex Systems,
and Adaptation, MIT Press, 1998
genetic architecture: Refers to the full range of genetic effects on a trait; however,
when studying variation on such a large [genomic] scale, it is especially
important to consider the context or environments in which genetic variation
arises, is selected, and is maintained. Genetic architecture is less a fixed
property of the phenotype than a characteristic of a phenotype in a particular
population. Genetic architecture is a moving target that changes according to
gene and genotype frequencies, distributions of environmental factors, and such
biological properties as age and sex. Genetic Architecture, Biological Variation
and Complex Phenotypes, PA-02-110, May 29, 2002- June 5, 2005
genome: The complete set of chromosomal and extrachromosomal
genes of an organism, a cell, an organelle or a virus; the complete DNA
component of an organism. [IUPAC Biotech]
The fundamental concepts of genome, genotype and phenotype are not defined in a satisfactory manner within the biological literature. Not only are there inconsistencies in usage between various authors, but even individual authors do not use these concepts in a consistent manner within their own writings. We have found at least five different notions of genome, seven of genotype, and five of phenotype current in the literature. Our goal is to clarify this situation by (a) defining clearly and precisely the notions of genetic complement, genome,
genotype, phenetic complement, and phenotype; (b) examining that of
phenome; and (c) analysing the logical structure of this family of concepts.
[M. Mahner, M. Kary "What exactly are genomes, genotypes and phenotypes? And what about
phenomes?" Journal of Theoretical Biology 186 (1): 55- 63, May 1997] All the DNA contained in an organism or a cell, which includes both
the chromosomes within the nucleus and the DNA in mitochondria. [NHGRI]
Size expressed by the number of base pairs. [DOE].
First used by H. Winkler in 1920, was created by
elision of the words GENes and chromosOMEs, and that is what the term signifies:
the complete set of chromosomes and their genes. V McKusick "Genomics:
Structural and Functional studies of genomes" Genomics 45:244-249 Oct. 15 1997
Narrower terms: Gene Definitions chromosomal
genome, mitochondrial genome, nuclear genome
components: The parts of a GENOME sequence that carry
out the different functions of genomes. MeSH, 2003
genome properties:
emerging area of research focuses on how properties of genomes arise in
evolutionary history. Such research has important consequences for understanding
genome organization and for interpreting data on genetic and phenotypic
variation. Such research could include the evolution of haplotypes, selection
for genetic interactions, and the evolution of recombination and methylation
patterns. Genetic Architecture, Biological Variation and Complex Phenotypes,
PA-02-110, May 29, 2002- June 5, 2005
genomic DNA:
instability: An increased tendency of the GENOME to
acquire MUTATIONS when various processes involved in maintaining and replicating
the genome are dysfunctional. MeSH, 2004
genomic research:
The definition of genomics is not precise. Tom Roderick coined the term, and Victor McKusick and Frank Ruddle used it to launch
Genomics the journal in 1987. We follow
their definition here, but leave interpretation to your discretion. We intend to include research that addresses all or a substantial portion of an organism’s genome (including a
chromosome or chromosome segment, but not a localized gene or gene family). This definition includes positional cloning if it starts from
genome- wide (or chromosome- specific) marker scans. We include physical mapping and sequencing of all or a large part of a genome or chromosome. We also include array technologies that monitor expression of very
large numbers of genes (hundreds or thousands), and informatic tools primarily intended to interpret DNA sequence or map information on a genomic or chromosomal scale.
Software for melding high- throughput sequencing information into contigs would be included, for example, but not software for pedigree construction alone, or translation to
protein sequence or simple homology comparison. We include techniques for high-
throughput sequencing or genome- scale mapping, but not research directed at one or a few
alleles (e.g., a single- locus diagnostic test would be excluded, even if based on DNA sequencing). We acknowledge broad gray zones, and accept therefore that genomics research is
what you say it is. Robert Cooke- Deegan et. al., World Survey of Funding for
Genomics Research: Final Report to the Global Forum for Health Research and the
World Health Organization, September 2000
The systematic study of the complete DNA sequences (GENOME) of organisms.
MeSH, 2001 The border between genomics and the rest of molecular biology has been stretched thin and has become porous. The term remains
useful, but interpreting findings from this and other surveys needs to take definition creep and the changing meaning of genomics in
capital markets into account. . [Robert Cooke- Deegan et. al., World
Survey of Funding for Genomics Research: Final Report to the Global Forum for
Health Research and the World Health Organization, September 2000]
Generation of information about living things by systematic
approaches that can be performed on an industrial scale. [Roger Brent "Genomic
biology" Cell 100: 169-183 Jan 2, 2000]
Brief Guide to Genomics, NHGRI 2019
Basic genetics & genomics
(tries to) answer the question of what the difference between genetics
and genomics is.
Coined by Thomas H. Roderick [of the Jackson Laboratory, Maine, US]
in 1986 in Bethesda, MD during a discussion of a name for a planned new
journal (Genomics) that was to include sequencing data, discovery
of new genes, gene mapping, and new genetic technologies. According to
Roderick, the term genomics "also had the comparative aspect of genomes
of various species, their evolution, and how they related to each other.
Although we didn’t come up with the term ‘functional genomics’ we
thought of the genome as a functioning whole beyond just single genes of
sequences spread around a chromosome." B Kuska "Beer, Bethesda, and Biology"
JNCI 90(2): 93 Jan 21, 1998
Although I haven't found any references to "genomics" prior to 1987,
"genomic" is easily found in Medline from 1966 on, and probably could be
located in journals earlier than that.
Narrower terms include:
Genomics categories:
agricultural genomics, applied genomics, combinatorial, environmental, food,
forward genetics, forward genomics, genome transplantation, genomics, high-
throughput, industrial, intergenomics, metagenome, metagenomics, microbial
genome, paleogenomics, phage, quantitative, subtractive genomics;
Clinical genomics
& Molecular Medicine
behavioral genomics, cancer genomics, clinical genomics, oncogenomics,
predictive genomics; Computers & computing: computational genomics,
post- genomic, post- genomics; Drug discovery & development chemical genomics,
chemogenomics; Functional genomics: biochemical genomics, comparative
genomics, deductive genomics, forward genomics, functional genomics, lateral
genomics, phylogenomics, physiological
genomics, reverse genomics; SNPs &
other Genetic variations: population genomics;
Nanoscience & Miniaturization: nanogenomics,
ecotoxicogenomics, toxicogenomics
Human Genome Organization, an international organization
of scientists involved in the Human Genome Project, the global initiative
to map and sequence the human genome. Established 1989
Human Genome Project
HGP: Horace Freeland Judson writes in "Talking about the genome" (Nature
409:769, 15 Feb. 2001) "The language we use about genetics and the genome
project at times limits and distorts our own understanding, and the public
understanding. Look at the phrase - or marketing slogan - 'the human-genome
project'. In reality, of course we have not just one human genome but billions.
... Then, too, the entire phrase - the human- genome project: singular,
definite, with a fixed end- point, completed by 2000, packaged so it could
be sold to legislative bodies, to the people, to venture capitalists. But
we knew from the start the genome project would never be complete.
A coordinated effort of researchers to map (CHROMOSOME MAPPING) and sequence (SEQUENCE ANALYSIS, DNA) the human genome.
MeSH, 1990 Related terms: DDBJ, DOE, EMBL, GenBank,
NCBI, NHGRI, RIKEN, Sanger Centre; Maps
genetic & genomic Sequencing
Human Genome Project HGP- completion:
The completion of the draft human genome sequence has both
symbolic and real implications for this next stage. The symbolic nature of the
accomplishment is primarily the fact that people have been claiming for the past
15 or 16 years that the Human Genome Project is biology’s moon shot. The fact
that it has been accomplished during the past year or so is very important since
it connects with the policy makers and decision makers who control and govern
the future of public funding for biological and other research in this country.
The real accomplishment for the life sciences has
been the transition to big science, as illustrated by the dramatic
decrease in the range of cost per sequence (Figure 2.1). In a way, the real
transition to big- time science is evidenced by the large- scale sequencing
centers that have cropped up over the last few years and accomplished sequencing
the human genome in so timely a manner in both the public and private sector.
The public has a conservatively estimated sequencing capacity of eight to ten
million lanes per month (75- 80% pass rate, 450- 500 Phred20 bases). The private
sector effort is much more difficult to estimate, but the capacity is roughly in
ten to twenty million lanes per month. For reference, seven million lanes
represent approximately one mammalian genome. These figures demonstrate that
this country has a very powerful engine in place to deal with the genomes that
will need to be sequenced in the months and years ahead. Ari Patrinos, US DOE CHI's
GenomeLink 9.2
The Genome Project (HGP) was an international scientific
research project with the goal of
determining the sequence of nucleotide base
pairs that make up human DNA,
and of identifying and mapping all of the genesof
the human
genome from both a physical and a
functional standpoint.[1] It
remains the world's largest collaborative biological project.[2] After
the idea was picked up in 1984 by the US
government when the planning started, the
project formally launched in 1990 and was declared complete on April 14, 2003[3].
Funding came from the US government through the National
Institutes of Health (NIH) as well as
numerous other groups from around the world. A parallel project was conducted
outside government by the Celera
Corporation, or Celera Genomics, which was
formally launched in 1998. Most of the government-sponsored sequencing was
performed in twenty universities and research centers in the United States, the
United Kingdom, Japan, France, Germany, Spain and China.[4]
Wikipedia accessed 2018 Nov 8
When will the human genome project be complete?
Jared Roach, Strategic Genomics, 2002
International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium:
Published the
draft human genome sequence in Nature 15 Feb. 2001 See also Human Genome
Joint Genome Initiative:
Collaboration between Los Alamos National
Lab, Lawrence Livermore National Lab and Oak Ridge National Lab. Organized
in 1997.
Mendelian genetics:
Classical genetics, focuses on monogenic
genes with high penetrance, the tip of the iceberg of genetics.
It is useful to remember that Mendelian genetics itself was a true paradigm
shift, and not at all intuitively obvious.
This is poignantly described in Robin Henig's artfully crafted biography
of Gregor Mendel The Monk in the Garden. Mendel was not recognized
by scientists until 1900 -- 35 years after his initial publication
and 16 years after his death. Those who heard his talks did not seem
to understand them. Some of the reprints he sent out have vanished.
Others were found (years later) with leaves uncut and unread.
It is also instructive to remember that Mendelian genetics were quite
applicable to the breeding of plants and animals (including racehorses)
with serious economic implications. This may well have encouraged
Mendel's superiors to let him pursue his work with peas.
Diseases caused by alterations in single genes. Single -gene
disorders are also sometimes called Mendelian disorders since they are
usually transmitted in a manner such as that described by Mendel as simple
recessive or dominant traits. Compare multifactorial, polygenic. multifactorial
diseases: SNPs &
other genetic variations NHGRI
National Human Genome Research Institute:
began as the National Center for Human Genome Research (NCHGR),
which was established in 1989 to carry out the role of the National Institutes
of Health (NIH) in the International Human Genome Project (HGP). The HGP was
developed in collaboration with the United States Department of Energy and begun
in 1990 to map the human genome. In 1993, NCHGR expanded its role on the NIH
campus by establishing the Division of Intramural Research to apply genome
technologies to the study of specific diseases. In 1996, the Center for
Inherited Disease Research (CIDR) was also established (co-funded by eight NIH
institutes and centers) to study the genetic components of complex disorders. In
1997 the United States Department of Health and Human Services renamed NCHGR the
National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), officially elevating it to the
status of research institute - one of 27 institutes and centers that make up the
NIH. With the human genome sequence complete since April 2003, scientists around
the world have access to a database that greatly facilitates and accelerates the
pace of biomedical research. The history of the HGP, the history of genomics,
and the history of NHGRI, are inextricably intertwined.
Advances in genomic technologies are a mix of incremental
improvements to existing technologies (linear) and occasionally, a truly
new paradigm or breakthrough. Related terms complex; Business
of biotechnology disruptive technologies,
emerging technologies,
A rapidly evolving field of
technology that allows optical control of genetically targeted biological
systems at high temporal and spatial resolution. By heterologous
expression of light-sensitive microbial membrane proteins, opsins, cell
type-specific depolarization or silencing can be optically induced on a
millisecond time scale. … Although recent developments in
optogenetics have largely focused on neuroscience it has lately been
extended to other targets, including stem cell research and regenerative
The optogenetic (r)evolution,
Martin L Rein, Jan M. Deussing,
Mol Genet Genomics. 2012 February; 287(2): 95–109,
Published online 2011 December 20. doi:
"parts list":
that the sequencing of the human genome is approaching completion, an important
next step is to extract as much of the information contained in the genome as
possible. All of the genes encoded in the genome should be enumerated, a task
that is not as simple as once thought. Other data sets of high interest include
all of the regulatory elements, all forms of structural RNA, recombination and
replication signals, and all encoded proteins and their modified forms. In
contrast to genomic sequence, which can in principle be determined completely,
there are questions about whether any of these other data sets can be compiled
with the same degree of completeness. It is not obvious that completeness is
even conceivable in the case of some data sets, such as transcripts (given
alternative splicing), regulatory elements, proteins (given isoforms), protein-
protein and protein- nucleic acid interactions, and protein modifications. The
desire for completeness will need to be balanced by cost-benefit considerations.
Beyond the beginning: The Future of Genomics, NHGRI, Dec. 12-14, 2001,
Warrenton, VA
The probability of expressing a phenotype
given a genotype. Penetrance is described as either "complete" or
"incomplete" … .Penetrance may also be dependent on a susceptible individual’s
current age… incomplete penetrance is usually a matter of chance or modifiers
in the genetic background. [NHLBI]
Mendelian genetics focuses on genes
with high penetrance. These were the easiest genes to identify. Related terms:
SNPs & Genetic
pharmacogenomics: Pharmacogenomics
phenotype: The observable structural and functional characteristics
of an organism determined by its genotype and modulated by its environment.
IUPAC Biotech
The observed manifestation of a genotype, which may be expressed
physically, biochemically or physiologically. [NHLBI]
Systematic collection and organization of data on phenotypes is still
at an early stage. The International Mouse Mutagenesis Consortium
(IMMC), writing in the Human Genome issue of Science notes that improved
phenotyping technologies are needed, as are "more efficient and reliable
methods for archiving, managing, analyzing, displaying and disseminating
the complex phenotype data sets resulting from mutagenesis programs, and
that there are no large- scale phenotype databases. Phenotype vocabularies
seem to be in the works and a Mouse Phenome Project is based at Jackson
Labs, US. IMMC JH Nadeau et. al "Functional Annotation of Mouse
Genome Sequences" Science 291: 1251-1255 Feb. 16, 2001
From a cellular point of view, the phenotype can
be divided into two parts – the proteome and the metabolome, the observed
phenotype being their summation. Both of these phenotypes are important, but in
different ways. The changes observed in the metabolome directly indicate what
system changes (i.e. genes or drugs) affect the function of which pathways. As
well, the exact point(s) in the pathway affected can be determined. The proteins
involved in these pathways may be useful drug or pesticide targets. See note on variant meanings for phenotype, genome and genotype
under genome definition, Journal of Theoretical Biology 1997 article.
Narrower term: human phenotypes
Phenotype Browser, MGI Mouse Genome Informatics,
Jackson Laboratory, Compare genotype. Related terms: genetic
architecture immunophenotyping Microarrays &
protein arrays phenotype array; -Omes & -omics
metabolomics, phenome, phenomics; Drug
discovery & development phenotypic screening; Functional
genomics phenotypic profiling; Microarrays
phenotype array; -Omes & -omics metabolomics, phenome, phenomics; Model
& other organisms Pharmacogenomics genotype- to-
phenotype, phenotype standards, phenotype- to- genotype Narrower terms: metabolic
phenotypes: Metabolic
engineering & profiling molecular phenotyping: Pharmacogenomics
phenotypes: Metabolic engineering
& profiling
phenotyping: The process of assigning phenotypes to
people or other organisms.
Narrower terms:
Clinical informatics:
computable phenotypes
immunophenotyping, molecular phenotyping; :
Microscopy image- based
phylogenomics, physiological genomics:
polygenic: The next scientific
frontier, however, will be those polygenic disorders involving a combination of
gene polymorphisms, each of which contributes in some small way to pathology.
Examples of such conditions include a variety of mental and behavioral problems
(alcoholism, schizophrenia, depression), as well as physiological disorders that
involve complex interactions between genetics and environment (atherosclerosis,
hypertension). These problems will require the ability to look at patterns of
gene expression at multiple stages of disease/ disorder progression and under a
variety of physiological and environmental conditions. Array technologies will
provide just such capabilities. Genetic disorder resulting from the combined
action of alleles of more than one gene (e.g. heart disease, diabetes and some
cancers). Although such disorders are inherited, they depend on the simultaneous
presence of several alleles; thus the hereditary patterns are usually more
complex than those of single gene disorders. [DOE] [Axel Kahn] also suggests
that the notion of interacting genetic factors in polygenic conditions remains
an uncertainty. "Thus far, when we have looked at what we have thought of as
multifactorial polygenic conditions, we have only seen diseases with several
monogenic causes. Thus for each of a number of conditions we can identify
several separate genes, each of which on its own in different patients is
associated with diseases which we classify as diabetes or Alzheimer’s disease or
obesity. We simply have not really started looking at the additive or
multiplicative contributions of several factors to disease inheritance." John.
Hodgson "Crystal gazing the new Biotechnologies" Nature Biotechnology 18: 29- 31
Jan 2000
Related terms:
Molecular Medicine:
behavior genomics; SNPs &
variations multigenic, oligogenic, Gene
definitions: pleiotropy.
era But the human
mitochondrial genome was sequenced in 1981 and published in Nature 290 (5806):
457- 465, Apr. 9, 1981. Sequence
and organization of the human mitochondrial genome by S. Anderson et.
[Francis Collins] began
his presentation by taking issue with the term "post-genomics era." He
queries whether his means that from the beginning of the universe until 2001 we
were in the "pre-genome era," and then suddenly, "bang" we
moved into the past-genome era (leading one to wonder what happened to the
genome era). He suggested that it was presumptuous to say that the Human Genome
Project is already behind us. He pointed out that proteomics is a subset
of genomics, and genomics is more than sequencing genomes, which will be ongoing
for decades to come. Defining the Mandate of Proteomics in the Post- Genomics
Era, Board on International Scientific Organizations, National Academy of
Sciences, 2002
The "post- genomic era" holds phenomenal promise for identifying the mechanistic
bases of organismal development, metabolic processes, and disease,
and we can confidently predict that bioinformatics research will have a
dramatic impact on improving our understanding of such diverse areas
as the regulation of gene expression, protein structure determination,
comparative evolution, and drug
discovery. The availability of virtually
complete data sets also makes negative data informative: by mapping entire pathways, for example, it becomes interesting to ask not only what is present,
but also what is absent. David Roos "Bioinformatics -- Trying to Swim in a Sea of Data"
Science 291:1260-1261 Feb. 16, 2001
Post-genomic can also refer to the increasing emphasis on functional
genomics. With an increasing number of organisms for which we have
(more or less) complete genomes we are beginning to see glimpses of the
power of having fully mapped sequences. Still, in most contexts talk about
being "post- genomic" seems a little premature. "Post
Mendelian" seems more
accurate as we move from an era in which genetics has been rooted in monogenic
diseases with high penetrance to a greater awareness (but limited
understanding) of polygenic diseases (and traits) often with relatively
low penetrance. However with the publication of the draft human sequences
in Feb. 2001 we are beginning to be truly "post- genomic".
post-genomics: RIKEN: Sanger Centre
whole genome:
There are several reasons for completely sequencing
a genome. The first and most simple reason is that it provides a
basis for the discovery of all the genes. Despite the power of cDNA analysis
and the enormous value in interpreting genome sequence, it is now generally
recognized that a direct look at the genome is needed to complete the inventory
of genes. Second, the sequence shows the long- range relationships between
genes and provides the structural and control elements that must lie among
them. Third, it provides a set of tools for future experimentation, where
any sequence may be valuable and completeness is the key. Fourth, sequencing
provides an index to draw in and organize all genetic information about
the organism. Fifth, and most important over time, is that the whole
is an archives for the future, containing all the genetic information required
to make the organism (the greater part of which is not yet understood).
C. elegans Sequencing Consortium “Genome sequence of the nematode
elegans; A platform for investigating biology” Science 282: 2013 Dec
11 1998
Genomics resources Genomics Conferences IUPAC definitions are
reprinted with the permission of the International Union of Pure and Applied
Evolving terminologies for emerging
Comments? Revisions? Questions?
Mary Chitty, MSLS
Last revised
January 09, 2020
Biology Functional
Genomics Genomics categories Maps SNPs
& genetic variations ultimately, Proteins Protein
structures and Proteomics are all important
Genome, Entrez, NCBI, US
complex phenotypes:
that exhibit familial clustering, which may mean that there is some genetic
component, but that do not occur in Mendelian proportions in pedigrees. Complex
phenotypes may be continuous in distribution, like height or blood pressure, or
they may be dichotomous, like affected and not affected. The complexity arises
from the fact one cannot accurately predict the expression of the phenotype from
knowledge of the individual effects of individual factors considered alone, no
matter how well understood each separate component may be. Genetic Architecture,
Biological Variation and Complex Phenotypes, PA-02-110, May 29, 2002- June 5,
Related term: complex
Narrower terms: biocomplexity, biological complexity
EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory: Main laboratory
is in Heidelberg, Germany, with outstations in Hamburg, Grenoble, France
(access to high powered instruments for structure studies) and Hinxton,
UK (bioinformatics). Supported by 14 European countries and Israel, shares data
daily with DDBJ and GenBank.
Genome Project
Genomics is
a forum for describing the development of genome-scale
technologies and their
application to all areas of biological investigation. Topics within the scope of Genomics include,
but are not limited to:
• Genomics including
genome projects, genome sequencing, and genomic technologies and novel
• Functional genomics including
transcriptional profiling, mRNA analysis, microRNA analysis, and analysis of
noncoding and other RNAs using established and newly-emerging technologies (such
as digital gene expression).
• Evolutionary and comparative
genomics, including phylogenomics
• Genomic technology and
methodology development, with a focus on new and exciting applications with
potential for significant impact in the field and emerging technologies
• Computational biology,
bioinformatics and biostatistics, including integrative methods, network
biology, and the development of novel tools and techniques
• Modern genetics on
a genomic scale, including complex gene studies, population genomics,
association studies, structural variation, and gene-environment interactions
• Epigenomics,
including DNA methylation, histone modification, chromatin structure,
imprinting, and chromatin remodeling
• Genomic regulatory
analysis, including DNA elements, locus control regions, insulators,
enhancers, silencers, and mechanisms of gene regulation
• Genomic approaches to understanding the mechanism of disease
pathogenesis and its
relationship to genetic factors, including meta-genomic and the mode and tempo
of gene and genome sequence evolution.
• Medical Genomics,
Personal Genomics, and other applications to human health
• Application of Genomic
techniques in model
organisms that may be of interest to a wide audience.
About this journal, Genomics, Elsevier
NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information Bioinformatics
Genome Glossary, Genome Science Program
FAO Glossary of Biotechnology for Food and Agriculture: Revised and
augmented edition,
Food and Agricultural Organization, Not just for food or agriculture.
Commonly used Genome Terms
NCBI Genomes and Maps
NHGRI (National
Human Genome Research Institute), Glossary of Genetic Terms, 250+
Includes extended audio definitions.
All about
the Human Genome Project, NHGRI, NIH, US,
Human Genome Project Working Draft Univ. of California Santa Cruz, US,
International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium special issue: Nature 409
(6822) 15 Feb., 2001
Celera Genomics special issue: Science 291 (5507) Feb.
16, 2001
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