pharma, biotechnology firms, blockbusters, competitive advantage, FIPCO Fully
Integrated Pharmaceutical Company, franchises, hype, incubators, KOL Key Opinion
Leaders, megabrands, stage gate criteria
discovery-oriented biology lies the actual development of marketable diagnostics
and therapeutics. In the commercial realm, most of the value ascribed to genomic
and proteomic technology and data is tied directly to the pharmaceutical
industry’s ability to translate that information into such products.
Healthtech Drug Discovery Map
Related glossaries include
Property & legal
Molecular Medicine,
discovery & development
Technologies overview
Design AD:
a clinically intelligent, self-sustaining system for rapidly developing, doing
and improving patient-centered care within and across disciplines.
. Dr. John Kenagy What is adaptive
applied research:
The first step in process optimization is benchmarking.
By measuring performance at various stages of drug discovery and development,
from individual tasks to programs, benchmarking can help identify processes that
are not functioning as intended. It enables companies to pinpoint unwanted
delays between processes and evaluate the effectiveness of newly implemented
technologies and strategies.
Narrower term: productivity benchmarking
best practices:
Important to remember that the biopharmaceutical industry
is cutting - and bleeding- edge. Agreement on best practices is
preliminary at best. Consider also "lessons learned" and
"ongoing challenges".
big pharma:
It is possible to find various lists of "big
pharma" companies. An article cites Pfizer and
GlaxoSmithKline (with ethical drug revenue of more than $20 billion, Merck,
AstraZeneca, Bristol Myers Squibb, Novartis, Aventis and Johnson & Johnson
($10- 20 billion) and American Home Products [now Wyeth], Pharmacia [now part of
Pfizer], Roche, Eli Lilly,
Abbott Laboratories, Schering- Plough and Bayer ($7- 10 billion). MedAdNews
publishes an annual list of the top 50 pharmaceutical companies each Fall Unlocking
the value in big pharma" McKinsey Quarterly No. 2, 2001 Related terms: brand name sector, pharmaceutical industry
Bio Medical Entreprenur
resources: NIH funded collaboration
companies: Limited relationships
to SIC/ NAICs codes?
biotechnology examples: has applications in four major
industrial areas, including health care (medical), crop production and
agriculture, non-food (industrial) uses of crops and other products (e.g. biodegradable
plastics, vegetable
oil, biofuels),
and environmental uses. Wikipedia accessed 2018 Sept 18
biotechnology firms:
The congressional Office of Technology concluded in its pathbreaking 1984 report, and emphasized even more strongly in another 1991
report, that "biotechnology" is not an industrial sector, but rather a set of methods useful in many industrial sectors (usually
established ones such as drugs and biologics, devices, or agriculture), but also for some entirely new applications (e.g., DNA
forensics). Many firms, almost 1500 listed by the various online services, are called "biotechnology" firms because they are largely built
around technologies developed since 1980. These firms are generally competing in established markets, however, even when they
compete by using novel products, services, and technical approaches. Robert
Cooke- Deegan et. al., World Survey of Funding for Genomics Research: Final
Report to the Global Forum for Health Research and the World Health
Organization, September 2000
biotechnology industry:
375 biotech products have received U.S. marketing approval since the 1980s, from
18 during 1980-89 to 179 in 2010-18; biotech products now account for more than
30% of all U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) new drug and biologic
approvals. Total biotech sales as a share of all company sales almost doubled
between 2007 and 2017, from 23% to 41% among the top 20 pharma companies.
...Biotech products account for 31% of all U.S. approved products with an orphan
drug designation. Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development, IMPACT
Report, 2018 Nov/Dec
Developers of technology promoting drug development, disease treatment, and a
deeper understanding of living organisms. Includes human, animal, and industrial
biotechnology products and services. Also included are biosensors, biotechnology
equipment, and pharmaceuticals. PriceWaterhouseCoopers MoneyTree Survey, 2012
The biotechnological innovations of the 1970’s took until the 1990’s to
integrate. "The
Pharmaceutical Industry and the Revolution in Molecular Biology: Exploring the
Interactions between Scientific, Institutional and Organizational Change, Iain
M. Cockburn, Rebecca Henderson, Scott Stern, 1999.
Biotechnology started as a means for producing
biopharmaceuticals. It is only now really starting to be used in the drug
discovery and development process.
Library Research Guide
, Baker Library, Harvard Business School,
blockbuster drugs:
blockbusters (or drugs that have sold more than $10 billion in sales per year)
and super blockbusters (or drugs that have sold more than $2 billion each
annually). Though pharma growth slides blockbusters reach new record, WTN News
Blockbuster drugs
have sales of $1 billion plus.
90% of
drugs marketed by big pharma bring in less
than $180 million per year. Compare that number to the total cost of $350- 600
million for approving a single drug (including all the failures that lead up to
it). Of course, one might think that the money can be made back in four years,
but drugs have a huge maintenance cost in terms of regulatory compliance,
marketing and sales. The margin on a drug- to- drug basis is very slim. This
places the onus on the other 10% of drugs to be blockbusters – to more than
make up for most of the other drugs that are earning far too little revenue. This
is how the industry has structured itself around a blockbuster mentality – a
reliance on drugs that bring in at least $500 million per year in revenue.
Considering the odds of achieving blockbuster status, this is a very high- risk
strategy. Pharmaceutical companies will have to change their ways if they are
going to enter the new era of individualized medicine. Related terms: FIPCO,
franchises- pharmaceutical, market fragmentation,
megabrands, multibusters, niche busters, pharmaceutical
industry, targeted therapeutics
brand name sector:
Pharmaceutical companies which specialize in developing new
drugs, as opposed to generic or "me-too" drugs. Tend to be
highly R&D oriented. Related term: mega-brand
business intelligence: Wikipedia See also competitive intelligence
models - R&D: When considering
the R&D productivity crisis it is imperative that current thinking,
processes and models be challenged. For example, does the current strategy to
align R&D by therapeutic area need to be further enhanced or do we chart a
different course? The focus will not be on tools or technology for the promises
of technology have arrived. The next wave of strategic thinking needs to be
around business models and structures. Additionally, the impact of globalization
on these evolving models must be understood and leveraged in order to
successfully take the next step forward.
business rules:
Any statement that can be put in the form of
"if then". Business rules cam be implemented in a computer program by
programming if- then statements in- line. This is very efficient performance-
but you have to know exactly what rules need to be placed where. Isabelle
Rouvellou, el. al., Combining different business rules technologies: A rationalization,
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services:
Was HCFA Health Care
Financing Administration, name changed in June 2001.
competitive advantage: The business environment in the
pharmaceutical industry is changing so fast that the Darwinian concept of
"adapt or die" is on the mind of every senior executive. Genomics, microarray analysis,
high- throughput screening, and other technologies
have increased the complexity of pharmaceutical research;
regulatory policy shifts and an ever- shrinking period of product exclusivity
threaten profitability; and pharmacogenomics
and personalized medicine may turn the old market structure on its head.
competitive intelligence CI:
competitive intelligence
Definition and external resources.
compound annual growth rate CAGR:
mean annual growth rate of an investment over a specified period of time longer
than one year.
convergence strategies:
new combinations of formerly distinct market segments for a company’s
pharmaceuticals, therapeutic devices, and diagnostic processes or equipment. CHA, Cambridge
Healthtech Advisors, Strategic
Considerations for the US Pharmaceutical Industry report, 2005
core competencies: A harmonious blend of capabilities which are
difficult for competitors to imitate. Traditionally, core competencies have been
directly linked to the competitive attributes of price and performance of
products and services. But as techniques and standards for achieving low cost
and high quality are increasingly simple to imitate, core competencies must be
continuously refined as the source of differential advantage. This implies that
today and in the future, the real source of competitive advantage lies
within the ability to optimize the blend of technology, procedures, and human
skills, all with attributes of flexibility and the ability to optimize the
changing opportunities in environment and marketplace. American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants "CPA Vision Process Glossary"
corporate DNA:
is business
jargon for organizational
Wikipedia accessed 2018 Feb 7
Diagnostics Advanced Coverage
and Reimbursement for Advanced Diagnostics
August 20-21, 2019 Washington, DC
More and more payers are implementing processes that make it progressively
more difficult for molecular diagnostics companies and labs to secure
payment for their tests. Prior authorization and product registration
require laboratories to deliver additional information from clinical
trials, physicians, tumor boards, medical societies, etc.
Diagnostics Molecular in Pharma, Healthcare and the Clinic
August 21-22, 2019 Washington, DC
Program |
Commercializing molecular diagnostic tests requires comprehending the
changing landscape of diagnostic testing, taking stock of reimbursement
and regulatory conditions, gaining traction with key opinion leaders and
building a successful product launch.
Diagnostics Dx Reimbursement Outlook
14-15, 2019 San Francisco, CA
Program | Getting
Paid for Advanced Diagnostics
Achieving commercial success for an IVD product or an LDT assay is
becoming progressively more difficult in the current healthcare
environment. The combination of tightening budgets and the launch of a
large number of expensive molecular tests creates complications for payers
to respond in traditional ways
disintermediation: An Internet term referring to the removal of
intermediaries in a commercial transaction. The trend toward disintermediation in healthcare will actually arise from the application of the Internet to
healthcare. In one example, Orchid Bioscience announced an
Internet- based genetic testing service to identify people with mutations that
could trigger side effects or reduce the efficacy of certain widely- prescribed
drugs. Use of this service can potentially place more knowledge and decision
power in the hands of the consumer. There are at least a half dozen of these
websites with business models similar to, all directed to the
consumer. CHI Summit Report Transforming the Pharmaceutical
Industry 2001
disruptive technologies:
Some technology improvements are linear or
incremental. Others truly change the paradigm. Harvard Business School faculty
member Clayton Christensen's Innovator's Dilemma (1997) analysis (of data
from the disk drive industry) found disruptive technologies are much cheaper
than existing ones. Big mainstream companies were quite capable of developing these technologies
(and had). What they couldn't do was figure out how to market them (and justify
devoting sufficient resources to them). The pharmaceutical industry is mentioned only in passing, but the success of
larger established companies either partnering with smaller less established
ones (clearly happening in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors) or spin-
off of promising developments as separate companies (Johnson &
Johnson said to be particularly good at this) makes a lot of sense. Related term: nonlinear
drug development -
new chapters highlight many of the trends examined in earlier chapters revealing
their trajectories as we move into the latter twenty-teens: the cost of drug
development rising to over $2.5 billion; the dominance of oncology among FDA
approvals and biotechnology in terms of pipeline growth. Updates also present a
number of metrics analyses of therapeutic areas with ongoing significance –
diabetes and cardiovascular disease – as well as those of emerging importance –
immune-oncology and regenerative medicine. Tufts Center for the Study of Drug
Development, FDA Approval Trends March 2018 drug repositioning:
discovery & development
ebXML: Sponsored by UN/CEFACT and OASIS, is a modular suite of
specifications that enables enterprises of any size and in any geographical
location to conduct business over the Internet. Using ebXML, companies now have
a standard method to exchange business messages, conduct trading relationships,
communicate data in common terms and define and register business processes.
"About ebXML" 2001
Broader term:
Computers & computing XML
elevator pitch:
Sound bite version of your business plan.
A "startup" is a term that generally applies to younger
companies that lack a proven or mature business model. Early-stage
startups are searching for business model traction, and fortunate
later-stage startups that have traction are searching for business model
An emerging growth company is a defined term in the JOBS Act - you can read
more about the definition here:
In general, most businesses meet the criteria of an "emerging
growth company" if they have less than $1 billion in annual revenue.
Tony Bako, QUORA 2012
emerging technologies:
technologies that are perceived as capable of changing the status quo.
These technologies are generally new but include older technologies that
are still controversial and relatively undeveloped in potential, such as preimplantation
genetic diagnosis and gene
therapy which date to 1989 and 1990
respectively. Emerging technologies are characterized by radical novelty,
relatively fast growth, coherence, prominent impact, and uncertainty and
ambiguity. In other words, an emerging technology can be defined as "a
radically novel and relatively fast growing technology characterised by a
certain degree of coherence persisting over time and with the potential to
exert a considerable impact on the socio-economic domain(s) which is
observed in terms of the composition of actors, institutions and patterns
of interactions among those, along with the associated knowledge
production processes. Its most prominent impact, however, lies in the
future and so in the emergence phase is still somewhat uncertain and
Emerging technologies include a variety of technologies such as educational
technology, information
technology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, cognitive
science, psychotechnology, robotics,
and artificial
New technological fields may result from the technological
convergence of different systems
evolving towards similar goals. Convergence brings previously separate
technologies such as voice (and telephony features), data (and
productivity applications) and video together so that they share resources
and interact with each other, creating new efficiencies. Emerging
technologies are those technical innovations which represent progressive
developments within a field for competitive
technologies represent previously distinct fields which are in some way
moving towards stronger inter-connection and similar goals. However, the
opinion on the degree of the impact, status and economic viability of
several emerging and converging technologies. Wikipedia accessed 2018 Nov
European Pharmaceutical Marketing Research Association
Executive Decision Making Oct
14-18, 2019 Philadelphia PA Portfolio
management, Strategic Resource Management, Project Portfolio Management,
Immuno-Oncology Development Challenges.
In an environment of declining revenues and uncertain commercial success,
biopharma, device and R&D companies must continuously optimize their
strategy, evaluate their portfolios, improve decision making, reduce risk
and effectively deploy resources.
fail fast: A
term that can make people in drug discovery and development wince, but considering the
costs of later failures, it looks more and more like an important option.
FIPCO Fully Integrated Pharmaceutical
With the FIPCO/FIBCO (Fully
Integrated Pharmaceutical/Biopharmaceutical Company) model, the strategy is
to build and fully integrate most parts of the drug discovery and
development chain. Given the large amount of capital required, few biotech
firms attain this model, although many dream of it. Janette Dixon
, Nature blogs, May 2011
Not a term heard
as frequently now as in the 1990's. Related terms: biotechnology industry,
pharmaceutical industry
franchises -
pharmaceutical: Commercial managers who are responsible for a
number of brands face a constant dilemma in choosing where across the franchise
or portfolio to invest limited human and financial resources. How can these
choices be optimised? The franchise can take a number of forms: the traditional
therapy area portfolio with a number of constituent products; a brand with a
number of indications each requiring resource; or, at a global level, a single
brand with a number of local markets each one competing for investment and
support. Pharmafile, Managing the Franchise 2010
Industry Classification Standard GICS:
an industry
taxonomy developed
in 1999 by MSCI and Standard
& Poor's (S&P)
for use by the global financial community. The GICS structure consists of
11 sectors, 24 industry groups, 68 industries and 157 sub-industries [1] into
which S&P has categorized all major public
Wikipedia accessed 2018 Feb. 20
spending: measures the
final consumption of health care goods and services (i.e. current health
expenditure) including personal health care (curative care, rehabilitative
care, long-term care, ancillary services and medical goods) and collective
services (prevention and public health services as well as health
administration), but excluding spending on investments. Health care is
financed through a mix of financing arrangements including government
spending and compulsory health insurance (“Government/compulsory”) as well
as voluntary health insurance and private funds such as households’
out-of-pocket payments, NGOs and private corporations (“Voluntary”). This
indicator is presented as a total and by type of financing
(“Government/compulsory”, “Voluntary”, “Out-of-pocket”) and is measured as
a share of GDP, as a share of total health spending and in USD per capita
(using economy-wide PPPs). OECD (2018), Health spending (indicator). doi:
10.1787/8643de7e-en (Accessed on 05 November 2018)
Healthcare: Baker
Library Guide,
Business School
high tech industry:
The traditional perception of high tech - still reflected
in our indicators - has been research- intensive manufacturing industries,
like computers and aircraft. The penetration of technologies like
information technology, biotechnology, and advanced materials throughout
the economy has, however, changed the basic meaning of high tech. Rather
than referring to the output of R&D intensive industries, high tech now
refers to a style of work applicable to just about every business ... This
change is said to have revolutionized the features of a successful
technology policy. Distributed knowledge, skill, entrepreneurship,
together with new forms of collaboration between firms, universities and
the government, can now result in more effective products and services.
Importantly for both firm and worker income, they can result
in significantly differentiated products and services. In other words, technology
policy must be more user- centered and demand- based than ever before.
Nicholas S. Vonortas "US Policy towards Research Joint Ventures" Nov. 1999
In the long run, not a useful contribution to awareness of and
debate about 21st century science. Related terms marketing;
Molecular diagnostics & Genetic
testing "good genes, bad genes"
hypercompetitive: In Richard A. D'Aveni's Hypercompetitive Rivalries: Competing
in Highly Dynamic Environments, (1995) he describes
situations in which competitive advantages are not sustainable. Companies
must be willing to cannibalize their own customers and positions, making
all products obsolete including their own. The pharmaceutical industry
is sometimes described as hypercompetitive.
The United States
is home to the world’s first research park, launched in 1951 at Stanford
University. In the sixty years since, another 170 university-related research
parks have sprung up across the country, promoting innovation, incubating
technology, and stimulating economic growth. Today, however, the United States
has lost its lead. China, India, and Korea are home to the world’s largest
research parks, developed by their national governments, attracting global
research and development companies from afar to their shores.
In 1981, Congress passed the Bayh-Dole Act, giving universities the lead role in
transferring technology into the private sector from federally supported
research. Such research contributes anywhere from $47 billion to $187 billion annually to our nation’s gross
domestic product (GDP). Association of University Research
Parks Power of Place 2.0 Power of Innovation, 2010
Opinion Leader:
Thought leaders, an important part of
many pharmas marketing strategies. May be global, national, regional or
lead users:
Contrary to conventional wisdom, successful innovations
are often first developed and tested by product or service users themselves -
"lead users" rather than by the firms that are first to bring those
innovations to market. Eric von Hippel, Sloan School, MIT, US
Breakthrough Innovations at 3M, Eric
von Hippel, Stefan Thomke and Mary Sonnack Related term:
life cycle management:
Successful drugs follow a typical pattern of heavy up- front investment in
development, followed by market penetration and peaking sales, followed by a
decline in the face of follow- on drugs or generics. A number of approaches can be used to alter the shape of this revenue curve,
including second- generation follow- on compounds, extended life through
formulation and drug delivery enhancements, outcome studies and management of
the generification process. Some steps can be taken early to maximize the benefits of drug life cycle management.
life sciences: The life
sciences or biological sciences comprise the branches
of science that involve the scientific study of life and organisms –
such as microorganisms, plants,
and animals including human
beings. Life science is one of the two major branches of natural
science, the other being physical
science, which is concerned with non-living matter. By definition, biology is
the natural
science that studies life and living organisms, with the other life
sciences being its sub-disciplines. Some life sciences focus on a specific
type of organism. For example, zoology is
the study of animals,
while botany is the
study of plants. Other life sciences focus on aspects common to all or
many life forms, such as anatomy and genetics.
Some focus on the micro scale (e.g. molecular
biology, biochemistry)
other on larger scales (e.g. cytology, immunology, ethology, ecology).
Another major, branch of life sciences involves understanding the mind – neuroscience.
Wikipedia accessed 2018 Dec 1
market forecasting- pharmaceutical:
Accurately forecasting the market potential for new compounds is becoming an
essential tool in long- term strategic planning, as it aids in various decisions
that are pivotal to the survival and success of a biotech or pharmaceutical
company. Forecasting is used in many situations: to evaluate a licensing
opportunity, to assess a particular lead compound and even in pipeline and
R&D portfolio analyses. Forecasting is also essential in understanding how
the dynamics of a market are changing, and in raising awareness of a company's
current and future competitors. .. Top- down forecasting extrapolates from
available sales data, using algorithms of how a particular drug class or market
has previously performed. Bottom- up forecasting involves reconstructing the
market from its components, which allows the analyst to model how particular
changes over the forecast period will affect the base- year assumptions.
John Earl "What makes a good forecaster?" Nature Reviews Drug
Discovery 2(1): 83, Jan. 2003
market fragmentation -
pharmaceutical industry: Likely to occur as
drugs are developed for specific population subsets with optimized safety and
efficacy. Of the perils listed, this is perhaps the least founded. Currently, the
percentage of patients that react favorably to a drug ranges from 20-80%. The
market segments itself as patients and doctors switch between medications in
order to find the one that works. In fact, market share may erode further even
in the absence of significant competition as physicians avoid prescribing a drug
if a subset of patients suffer toxic side effects. By defining the population
that responds well to a drug,
can help secure market share. Blockbusters are still possible if the defined
population is large.
market research:
Can be
difficult to impossible to find data in emerging sectors and for disruptive technology. Related term: competitive intelligence
marketing life sciences:
Every marketer knows the difficulty of providing the right content through
the right channel to the right audience at the right time. Not to burst
anyone’s bubble, but it won’t be getting easier any time soon. Social
media’s rapid adoption in the workplace has opened countless avenues to
reach potential customers. … In our survey we have polled over 500 active
professionals (60% of which identified as researchers or scientists)
across the Biotech, Pharma, Academic, Healthcare, Hospital, Government and
CRO industries. The survey explores consumer preferences related to both
outbound promotions and inbound content marketing tactics…. key
categories, including: Technology and Mobile, Outbound Marketing, Email
Marketing, Telemarketing, Direct Mail Marketing, Social Media, Content
Marketing, Advertising Mediums, Tradeshows and Other Media.
Marketing to Life Scientists: A
Best Practice Guide for Marketers, 2015
According to AstraZeneca, a megabrand is a product that has the following characteristics: Reaches $1 billion in annual sales by year two of launch and is clearly
destined to achieve peak sales of several billion dollars Requires a rapid global
roll- out to around 60 countries within that
two- year period Needs a huge marketing investment.
IMS Health, Market Insight, Mar. 2, 2000
Related term: blockbusters, brand name sector, multibusters
METI Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry:
In January
[2001] the Ministry of International Trade and Industry was transformed into the
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).
Described as "an ambitious effort to restructure the research
arm of Japan's industry ministry", made up of 45 institutes and centres
with a structure "designed to combine application- orientated goals with
considerable operational autonomy for the institutes". D Cyranoski
"Goal- directed
revamp for Japanese research" Nature 401:7, 1 Mar. 2001
Related term Alliances TRAs
Technology Research Associations.
Specific business accomplishments, often tied to funding
drugs for a single indication, efficacious in identifiable sub- populations.
Related term: blockbuster drugs
NAICS North American Industry Classification System:
US SIC codes. Developed jointly by the U.S., Canada, and Mexico
to provide new comparability in statistics about business activity across
North America. An industry taxonomy. Related term SIC codes
North American Product Classification System:
North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) is a comprehensive, market-
or demand-based, hierarchical classification system for products (goods and
services) that (a) is not industry-of-origin based but can be linked to the
NAICS industry structure, (b) is consistent across the three North American
countries, and (c) promotes improvements in the identification and
classification of service products across international classification systems,
such as the Central Product Classification System of the United Nations.
busters: with increased competition from generic drugs, sky-rocketing costs
of marketing blockbusters and declining support from regulators, pharmaceutical
companies are starting to shift their growth strategies away from blockbuster
drugs and on to niche-centric drugs. Niche-busters, as they are being labeled,
face less competition and lower marketing costs. The value of theses
niche-buster drugs grows significantly when an increased focus on research and
development yields faster development times. Champions 2.0, Issy Goldwasser,
Symyx Technologies, BioIT World 2007
This trend continues.
Oncology & Immuno-Oncology Opportunities
Strategic and
Operational Challenges of Oncology and Immuno-Oncology Drug Development
Responding to the New Reality and Pace of Immuno-Oncology
and Immunotherapy Projects and Trials
OCTOBER 14-15 , 2019, Philadelphia PA
Each new cancer diagnosis underscores the importance of delivering new
therapies to patients. The biopharmaceutical industry is investing
resources in developing new treatments, but the timelines are long and the
costs are very high. In addition, the pathway for development is unclear
and the rapidity of new approvals is highly impactful to programs in
process…and benchmarks are constantly changing! To optimize development of
new oncology and immuno-oncology treatments for cancer, we must shorten
the time of development, while reducing the overall costs and the number
of failed attempts. We need to be smarter and more innovative about how we
execute oncology studies. For program managers and TA heads, is there an
efficient way to get to decisions faster? With no clear pathway for
development, the program managers, project managers and clinical trial
leaders in the biopharma industry who must ferry these long, complicated
programs through all phases and, ideally, to market, play a critical role
at the intersection of science, business and operations
open source
intelligence: Wikipedia
Not related to open source software.
of pharmaceutical R&D:
By far the
most common organizational structure within pharmaceutical R&D is based on
therapeutic indications. As target pathways and target families become better
recognized as opportunities for synergistic development that cut across disease
indications, what are the implications for how best to capture this synergy? As
molecular tools are increasingly applied beyond target biology to more of the
entire development process, how can expertise in specific tools best be
leveraged across different departments? As chemistry and biology become more
intertwined, how can researchers trained in one discipline or the other learn to
better communicate with each other? As researchers trained in reductionist
techniques and used to working on small projects become involved in much larger
systems biology and high throughput chemistry projects, how does this change the
nature of the work they do? What organizational structures and policies may
facilitate optimal performance under these changing conditions?
payers or payors:
A reader writes: Is payor an acceptable word? I
know it is commonly used in discussions about insurers and insurance payments
for health care, and I know that the word “payer” is correct, but is the
spelling “payor” also correct?
The current view is that ‘payer’ is the
preferred term in all contexts. However, that doesn’t mean that ‘payor’ is
wrong. It is not. Some people differentiate between an institution (e.g.,
payor—the insurance company) and an individual (e.g., payer—Joe is the
payer of his family’s bills). Some people say that ‘payor’ is the GB
version, and ‘payer’ is the US version. These people would be wrong;
‘payer’ is seen more often in both GB and the US. In law, ‘payor’ is the
preferred word for legal writing. When I was learning this word in school
as a child, the word was ‘payor.’ Ask any of the other dinosaurs—they’ll
tell you. AMA Manual of Style likes ‘payer’ in every context. The Chicago
Manual of Style accepts either word, but has a slight preference for
‘payer.’ Language Usage Weblog 2013
payor healthcare:
means: (a) Any insurance company authorized to provide health insurance in
this state;
(b) A health
maintenance organization;
(c) A health care service contractor;
(d) Any legal entity that
is self-insured and provides benefits for health care services
to its employees; (e) Any legal entity responsible
for handling claims for health care services
under a state or
federal medical assistance program;
(f) The State of
Oregon or any local government within
this state that
makes payments for health care
services; (g) Any insurer authorized
under ORS chapter 731 to transact workers' compensation or
casualty insurance this state; or
(h) Any employer authorized
under ORS chapter 656 to self-insure its workers' compensation risk.
Legal Glossary, Oregon Laws
pharmaceutical industry:
The pharmaceutical
industry thrives on innovative products and clinically differentiated medicines
that can create real value. Innovation has the greatest impact on a
pharmaceutical company’s long- term success, yet pressure to reduce drug
prices from both government and consumers may force drug companies to seek
alternative revenue streams.
I have said for a number of years that I hoped drug companies
which encouraged open sharing of scientific information would prosper in the long run, but
without finding much evidence (even anecdotal) to validate this. I was delighted to find the
following report which quantified the positive correlation between companies
encouraging peer reviewed scientific publication and productivity (correlating
issued to company scientists with articles published in peer- reviewed journals
by company scientists). Diffusion of Science Driven
Drug Discovery Organizational Change in Pharmaceutical Research, Iain
M. Cockburn, Rebecca Henderson and Scott Stern, NBER, Sept. 1999
Related terms: biotechnology
industry, blockbuster
drugs, market fragmentation.
Library Guide Baker Library,
Harvard Business School, 2011
Annotated bibliography
pharmaceutical marketing:
pharmaceutical spending: covers
expenditure on prescription medicines and self-medication, often referred
to as over-the-counter products. In some countries, other medical
non-durable goods are also included. Pharmaceuticals consumed in hospitals
and other health care settings are excluded. Final expenditure on
pharmaceuticals includes wholesale and retail margins and value-added tax.
Total pharmaceutical spending refers in most countries to “net” spending,
i.e. adjusted for possible rebates payable by manufacturers, wholesalers
or pharmacies. This indicator is measured as a share of total health
spending, in USD per capita (using economy-wide PPPs) and as a share of
GDP. OECD (2018), Pharmaceutical spending (indicator). doi:
10.1787/998febf6-en (Accessed on 05 November 2018)
Portfolio Management
2019 Oct 17-18 Philadelphia PA
In an environment of
declining revenues and uncertain commercial success, biopharma, device and R&D
companies need to continuously evaluate their portfolios. Manufacturers must
make tough decisions about which products and projects to pursue to optimize
long-term revenue and reduce overall risk.

price trends - prescription drugs:
purpose of this report is to examine pricing dynamics for prescription drugs for
recent years. The prices of new drugs will be analyzed over time and by factors
that may be associated with launch prices. Price trends for 1995 to 1999 will
also be examined by therapeutic category for a number of major categories (in
terms of expenditure levels or growth) with well- defined subclasses that can be
analyzed individually and compared on the basis of the age of the category. The
pricing of generic substitutes in these therapeutic categories will also be
provided for comparative purposes. Finally, launch prices during the study
period for new entrants to existing subclasses within the therapeutic categories
will be examined and compared to the prices of the incumbents in the subclass. The results show that new
drugs can vary substantially in their impact on drug expenditures. Some drugs
are introduced at significant discounts to existing drugs that are highly
substitutable with the new drug. In addition, while entirely new classes of
compounds to treat a disease or condition are often priced at a premium relative
to older classes, this is not always the case. The data also suggest that new
drug prices tend to reflect the degree of price sensitivity in the market and
the perceived value of the product to patients. Finally, average price increases
over time for the pharmacologic and chemical classes examined varied in all
directions in relation to general price inflation. However, most class price
increases were similar to economy- wide inflation rates. Joseph A. DiMasi, PRICE
process optimization:
Rather than focusing on technology alone,
companies must closely examine workflow, capacity and communication to optimize
discovery much as one might optimize a manufacturing process. Benchmarking
performance at multiple points within drug discovery and development is an
essential pre- requisite to process optimization.
Iain Cockburn, a professor at the
Boston University School of Management who has extensively studied
pharmaceutical research productivity, believes the current dearth of new drugs
is merely an inevitable pause in the industry's development cycle. Today's drug
deficit is often compared with a golden age of applications in the early 1990s
that were spawned by advances in small- molecule chemistry 15 to 20 years
earlier, he says. Now the industry is adjusting to a new era of molecular
biology that will take time to produce results. The adjustment, Cockburn suggests, was side- tracked somewhat by the 1990's
biotechnology boom, which confused the process of drug development as large
pharmaceutical firms and biotech companies sorted out their roles as potential
rivals and collaborators. Further, he says, it is simply harder to invent new
drugs now, because the low- hanging fruit -- such as the once- revolutionary ace
inhibitors -- has already been plucked. "Now the industry is focusing on
cancer, Alzheimer, and exotic viruses. They're working on tougher
problems," he says. "The way you come up with these drugs is through a
lot of heavy- duty science rather than industrial chemistry, and it's just a lot
more expensive." Susan Warner, Pipeline Anxiety: Scientists Pumped
into New Roles, Scientist, 17 (10) May 19, 2003
Related terms:
business model - pharmaceutical, business models -chemical genomics,
R&D productivity
Project Portfolio
Management master class 2019 Oct 14-15
Philadelphia PA
begins with well-founded economic and portfolio theory, and
quickly moves to practical training in portfolio value maximization using
Excel add-in optimization software. Economic principles learned in the
master class can be used during preparations and analysis for portfolio
reviews and executive decision-making
proof of concept:
Evidence that demonstrates that a business model or
idea is feasible. Investorwords
a realization of a certain method or idea in order to
demonstrate its feasibility,[1] or
a demonstration in principle with the aim of verifying that some concept or
theory has practical potential.[citation
needed] A
proof of concept is usually small and may or may not be complete.
accessed 2018 Feb 27
Compare proof of principle. Proof of concept is certainly more
prevalent as a term.. These two terms are sometimes used interchangeably, though
proof of
concept seems generally earlier than proof of principle. While many of
the examples have a financial context these terms are also used in
discovery informatics
of principle:
Proof of Principle studies are an early stage of clinical drug development when
a compound has shown potential in animal models and early safety testing. This
step of proof-of-principle (PoP) or proof-of-concept (PoC) often links between
Phase-I and dose ranging Phase-II studies. These small-scale studies are
designed to detect a signal that the drug is active on a pathophysiologically
relevant mechanism, as well as preliminary evidence of efficacy in a clinically
relevant endpoint. Sponsors use these studies to estimate whether their compound
might have clinically significant efficacy in other diseases states as well as
epilepsy (e.g., migraine, neuropathic pain, anxiety, depression). Endpoints
other than seizure frequency often reveal special characteristics of the drug. A
structured dose escalation design can reveal dose-dependent effects and adverse
effects, crossover studies can demonstrate change, presurgical studies can
define efficacy, interictal discharges and photosensitivity models can explain
changes in seizure features, transcranial magnetic stimulation evaluates
hyperexcitability. PoP studies allow exploration of a wide range of potential
therapeutic areas beyond epilepsy as part of an integrated CNS development plan.
Proof of Principle studies, B. Schmidt,
Epilepsy Res. 2006
Once a regulatory agency has determined the clinical benefit and safety of a
product and pricing has been confirmed (if necessary), a drug manufacturer will
typically submit it for evaluation by a payer of some sort. Payers may be
private insurance plans, governments (through the provision of
benefits plans to insured
populations or specialized entities like Cancer
Care Ontario,
which funds in-hospital oncology drugs) or health care organizations such as
hospitals. At this point the critical issue is cost-effectiveness. This is where
the discipline of pharmaco-economics is
often applied. This is a specialized field of health economics that looks at the
cost/benefit of a product in terms of quality of life, alternative treatments
(drug and non-drug) and cost reduction or avoidance in other parts of the health
care system (for example, a drug may reduce the need for a surgical
intervention, thereby saving money). Wikipedia accessed 2018 Feb 27
Five keys
to drug reimbursement, Clinical Informatics News, 2013
See also
risk management:
Can be loosely defined as a systematic process
for the identification, analysis, control, and communication of risks ...
Risk management should be integrated into the life cycle of any process
or project that's important to a business. The use of a risk- management
methodology lets a company make informed decisions about the allocation
of scarce resources to areas that are most at risk. B. Paul "How much
risk is too much?" 116-124, Nov. 6, 2000 Narrower terms: licensing risk, product risk;
target risks. Related term: Molecular medicine glossary
sexy technologies:
What makes technologies sexy? It seems to be a combination of being new,
innovative and challenging, affording clever people a chance to learn new skills (and demonstrate how competitive and bright
they are) and expensive (or otherwise not available to just
anyone). A quick search of the web identifies artificial intelligence, fuel
cells, high-
speed computers, robotics, nanotechnology, Java, smart cards, wireless communications and biomaterials as "sexy"
by some criteria. I'd be interested to hear other interpretations and nuances of this class of technologies. Are
there significant differences in what biologists,
businesspeople, chemists, computer scientists and others consider "sexy
Five ways to make any piece of tech sexy, 2013
SIC Standard Industrial Classification codes:
The 1997 Economic
Census demonstrates the relationship between NAICS and SIC by showing
data for the lowest common denominators between the two systems. See
also NAICS.
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs,
also small and medium enterprises) or small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs)
are businesses whose
personnel numbers fall below certain limits. The abbreviation "SME" is
used in the European
Union and by international
organizations such as the World
Bank, the United
Nations and the World
Trade Organization (WTO). …
Industry Canada defines
a small business as one with fewer than 100 paid employees and a
medium-sized business as one with at least 100 and fewer than 500
employees. … In the United
States, the Small
Business Administration sets small
business criteria based on industry,
ownership structure, revenue and number of employees (which in some
circumstances may be as high as 1500, although the cap is typically 500).[29] Both
the US and the EU generally use the same threshold of fewer than 10
employees for small
offices (SOHO).[citation
Also in the United
States small and medium-sized
manufacturers are referred to as SMM's [30] which
the U.S. Department of Energy classifies as having gross annual sales
below $100 million, Fewer than 500 employees at the plant site, and annual
energy bills more than $100,000 but less than $2.5 million.[31]
Wikipedia accessed 2018 Sept
specialty pharmaceuticals:
Although there is no accepted definition of specialty
pharmaceuticals, they generally are drugs and biologics (medicines
derived from living cells cultured in a laboratory) that are complex to
manufacture, can be difficult to administer, may require special patient
monitoring, and sometimes have Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-mandated
strategies to control and monitor their use. Increasingly, specialty
pharmaceuticals have come to be defined by exceeding a certain threshold cost,
such as $600 per month, that may place such drugs on higher cost-sharing tiers.
the current version of the Format, a product can be classified as a
specialty pharmaceutical if:
It requires a difficult or unusual process of delivery to the patient
(preparation, handling, storage, inventory, distribution, Risk Evaluation
and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) programs, data collection, or
administration) or, Patient management prior to or following
administration (monitoring, disease or therapeutic support systems).
From a distribution perspective, specialty pharmaceuticals may require
specialized shipping and temperature-controlled storing and handling.
Therefore, a class of providers, known as specialty pharmacies, exists to
distribute and dispense these products.;..
The AMCP Format is
intended as a guide for “…manufacturers of pharmaceuticals, biologics and
vaccines who are responding to an unsolicited request from a healthcare
system to support reimbursement and/or formulary placement consideration
of a new product, new indication, or new formulation of an existing
Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy, 2013
Specialty pharmaceuticals are a rapidly growing share of total drug
expenditures by public and private health plans. These drugs, typically
used to treat chronic, serious, or life-threatening conditions, such as
cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, growth hormone deficiency, and multiple
sclerosis, are often priced much higher than traditional drugs. Total
costs can be in the thousands of dollars a month and can exceed $100,000 a
year for some products. There are usually few if any low-cost generic
Specialty Pharmaceuticals, " Health Affairs Health Policy Brief, November 25, 2013.DOI: 10.1377/hpb20131125.510855
Large(r) companies may find spinning off smaller divisions
(or newly acquired ones outside their core competencies) makes more sense
than trying to integrate different companies and cultures. Some spin-
offs eventually become larger than the parent. Johnson &
Johnson is noted by Clayton Christensen in his Innovator's Dilemma
as being particularly good as spinning off a number of successful enterprises.
Related term: disruptive technologies
gate criteria:
Process for making periodic go/no go decisions in R&D standards.
A challenge to develop for disruptive technologies.
startup database, Bay Bridge
Bio start-ups:
American Heritage Dictionary suggests it is “a business or undertaking that has
recently begun operation.” …
“A company five years old can still be a startup,” writes Y Combinator
accelerator head Paul Graham via email. “Ten [years old] would start to be a
stretch.” I’ll go out on a limb and say categorically that after about three
years in business, most startups cease being startups. This often coincides with
other factors that indicate a graduation from startup-dom: acquisition by a
larger company, more than one office, revenues greater than $20 million, more
than 80 employees, over five people on the board, and founders who have
personally sold shares…. the key attribute of a startup is its ability to grow.
As Graham explains,
a startup is a company designed to scale very quickly. It is this focus on
growth unconstrained by geography which differentiates startups from small
businesses. A restaurant in one town is not a startup, nor is a franchise a
... In recent years, popular lexicon has begun equating startups with tech
companies, as though the two are inherently intertwined …
a company contemplating an IPO or one that has
already gone public is far from being a startup. ...a company contemplating an
IPO or one that has already gone public is far from being a startup. And if
you’re flying first class and wearing a suit to work, you’re likely no longer a
startup, either. ... If you are generating revenues
below $20 million, have less than 80 employees, and remain resolutely in control
of the company you started, you're likely running a startup. What
is a startup? Natalie Robehmed, Forbes 2013
Dec 16
Startups, the authors
[Joshua S. Gans, David H. Hsu and Scott Stern] observe, have two options
when it comes to commercializing innovations. They can compete with incumbents
through the product market, or they can cooperate with established businesses by
selling their technologies through the market for ideas. In the second case, a
startup can, for example, license its technology to a larger company, form a
strategic alliance or agree to be acquired outright. If entrepreneurs typically
choose one of these cooperative strategies, the balance of market power is
likely to be preserved. But if they decide to compete with industry leaders,
Joseph Schumpeter's "gale of creative destruction" may well be
unleashed. ...when intellectual property protection is strong and complementary
assets are critical for success, startups can earn the highest returns by
becoming ideas factories and auctioning their innovations to established
corporations. The pharmaceutical industry is one sector in which that pattern
has prevailed. What's the best Commercialization Strategy for Startups? Sloan
Management Review, 43 (3): 10, Spring 2002
New businesses, often
one looking for funding.
dates the use of "start-up" to 1845. See also emerging
startups, philanthropic:
in recent years
philanthropic ventures have begun adopting the technological know-how and
scrappy mentality of startups to develop a new breed of lean nonprofits. …
“All we focus on [is] growth and impact – at the end of the day, we just
need to make the numbers go up and to the right,” said Chase Adam, founder
of Watsi, a medical crowdfunding charity that was the first nonprofit to
be included in a Y Combinator accelerator class….
“Startups test new innovations and are always evolving – I think that
that’s really, really important for any organization.” A New
Nonprofit Model , Natalie Robehmed, Forbes 2013 Dec 16
resource management:
Strategic Resource Management
Oct 16-17 2019 • Philadelphia PA
Program | Although
investment in pharma R&D continues to increase, approval of new drugs remains
relatively low. This productivity crisis presents new challenges to biopharma
R&D in terms of resource management, forecasting, and capacity planning. To
counteract the decline in new therapeutics and high risk of product failure,
biopharma must adapt with improved performance planning, intelligent
outsourcing, and new big data analytics aimed at developing strategic and
flexible resource management systems.
technology assessment:
Assessment of a company's technology, present and future needs (including
user training), capabilities, and impact upon the core competencies.
technology integration:
Easier said than done.
time to market:
A major consideration for strategic planning in the
pharmaceutical industry.
unicorn company or unicorn startup:
a private company with a valuation over $1 billion. As of August 2018, there are
more than 260 unicorns around the world. Variants include a decacorn, valued at
over $10 billion, and a hectocorn, valued at over $100 billion. CB insights,
Global Unicorn Club, 2018
white space:
Financial Related term: market research
XBRL eXtensible Business Reporting Language:
a common platform for critical business reporting processes and improves the
reliability and ease of communicating financial data among users internal and
external to the reporting enterprise.
Business Resources
Business Conferences
Business CDs, DVDs
Business Short courses
Ernst & Young Life Sciences
McKinsey, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Products
Pharma Marketing Glossary, Pharma Marketing News
Among the most useful business glossaries I’ve found are
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Glossary of Terms, Acronyms and Abbreviations
Investor words Investor Inc., 2017
MoneyTreeTm Definitions,
Definitions of industry sectors, stages of financing, type of financing and
to look for other unfamiliar terms