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Clinical trials glossary & taxonomy
Evolving Terminology for Emerging Technologies
Comments? Questions? Revisions? Mary Chitty MSLS
Last revised
January 09, 2020
SCOPE NOTE Clinical trials are clinical research
studies involving human participants assigned to an intervention in
which the study is designed to evaluate the effect(s) of the
intervention on the participant and the effect being evaluated is a
health-related biomedical or behavioral outcome. NIH Clinical Trial
Definition FAQ
Clinical trials
Phase 1 Phase II Phase III, patient recruitment, auditing,
monitoring, budgeting & resource allocation, Clinical Research
Organizations outsourcing to, clinical trial software
Clinical trials is a sub-category of Drug
discovery & development Molecular
Related glossaries include
safety & pharmacovigilance

Summit for Clinical Ops Executives
18-21, 2020 • Orlando, FL
SCOPE Europe,
17-18 October, 2019 Barcelona, Spain
adaptive clinical
The pharma industry is gradually coming to realize that the classically
structured clinical trial does not offer enough flexibility to make use
of continuously emerging knowledge that is generated as the trial
progresses. This report is a comprehensive assessment of the benefits,
challenges, and accumulated industry experience with regard to adaptive
clinical trials. Herman Mucke, Adaptive
Clinical Trials: Innovations in clinical trial design, management and
Insight Pharma Reports, 2007
Clinical trials webcast Jerald Schindler, VP Biostatistics and Research
Decision Sciences Late Stage Clinical Statistics, Merck Research
See related pivotal clinical trials
adaptive licensing, the clinical-development program is restructured to
early approval of a new compound for a limited, typically high-risk
population based on valid clinical measures from smaller human studies.
Approval would be revisited at several points along the
clinical-development pathway as candidate populations are broadened,
longer-term outcomes are evaluated, and risks of treatment are better
understood. … also called “staggered approval” and
“progressive licensing”.
Dan Ollendorf,
If Everyone Hates the FDA Approval Process, Let’s
Fix It, HBR Blog Network, Harvard Business Review, Oct 18, 2013
Analytics-Driven Feasibility, Site Selection and Study Activation
October 16-17, 2018 Barcelona | Site
Selection and Study Activation Improving Protocol Development, Global
Site Selection, Feasibility and Site Management
17-19 OCTOBER 2019 Barcelona SPAIN
Analytics and data-driven global site
selection, an optimized protocol development and feasibility assessment
process, and effective site management are critical to improving
clinical trial timelines and outcomes. Too often companies fail to learn
from past mistakes and take the same approach to trial planning and
execution. In order to overcome challenges in clinical trial planning,
operations and site management leaders should learn from the best
practices of their peers, utilize multiple data sources and technology
to support decision making, and improve communication and relationships
between Sites, CROs, and Sponsors.
Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Research
February 20-21, 2020
Orlando, FL |
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have propelled
many industries toward a new, highly functional and powerful state. Now
they are starting to make their way into the clinical research realm.
Many pharmaceutical companies and larger CROs are starting projects
involving some elements of AI, ML and robotic process automation in
clinical trials.
levels of attrition in the clinical stage of development are driving
profound changes in the architecture, design, and analysis of clinical
trials. The majority of respondents to our survey said that reduction in
patient numbers, less exposure to study drug, and drops in overall trial
duration were key points in favor of adaptive designs; however, a
majority also had specific concerns with adaptive trials―concerns
that involved methodological, logistical, and regulatory uncertainties:
Herman Mucke,
Clinical Trials: Innovations in clinical trial design, management and
Insight Pharma Reports, 2007
basket trials:
(or studies) test the effect of one drug on a single mutation in a
variety of tumor types, at the same time. These studies also have the
potential to
greatly increase the number of patients who are eligible to receive
certain drugs relative to other trials designs.
Related term: umbrella trials
Clinical biomarkers strategy and innovation:
19-20, 2020
Orlando, FL
The concept of personalized or precision medicine has brought to life
several types of clinical trials that involve biomarkers and require
biospecimen collection and management. Effective management of these
trials can be complicated and requires specific operational approaches.
Clinical Data Strategy and
February 19-20, 2020
Orlando, FL
technologies have changed the landscape of the clinical research
industry and healthcare IT in general. Digitalization of healthcare
data, mobile data capture technologies, and cloud storage of data are a
few of the main technological advances that influence clinical data
management and analytics. These technological advances have been coupled
with novel data visualization solutions, and this powerful duo is
helping to develop a new paradigm of data-driven clinical trials.
forecasting: It
is clear that late-stage clinical failures account for a large
proportion of the expenses. This can be as a result of both the large
out-of-pocket investments in Phase III clinical trials and because
unsuccessful trials tie up capital resources during their conduct, and
potentially also for the time spent during any attempted recovery
following regulatory rejection. So, there is an interest in strategies
that could halt, as early as possible, the development of drugs that
eventually fail. Clinical forecasting in drug development, Asher D.
Schachter and Marco F. Ramoni, Nature
Reviews Drug Discovery 6, 107-108 (February 2007) | doi:10.1038/nrd2246
Narrower term: Bayesian clinical forecasting, Bayesian clinical trials
research: Clinical trials are clinical research studies. Clinical research includes all
research involving human participants. It does not include secondary
studies using existing biological specimens or data collected without
identifiers or data that are publicly available.
Clinical Research & Translational
Informatics Transforming Biological Data to Clinical
Development 2020 April 21-23 Boston MA
Advancing clinical trials and translational research requires
transforming biological insights and raw research data into clean,
actionable data using innovative techniques for its integration,
visualization and analysis. The Clinical Research & Translational
Informatics track explores new approaches to the integration,
visualization, analysis, and application of biological and clinical
trial data, including machine learning, artificial intelligence, big
data analytics, and additional technologies with case studies from
across pharma and academia.
Clinical Supply Management
February 19-20, 2020
Successful, patient-centric clinical trials depend upon streamlined
clinical trial supply processes that ensure that the study drug is
properly handled and delivered to the right patient whether at the trial
site, pharmacy or in their home.
Clinical Technology and
February 20-21, 2020
Orlando, FL
Digital technology, mobile solutions, novel data collection modalities
and integrative systems are becoming game-changing features of modern
clinical trials. However, the adoption of novel technology solutions to
improve overall outcomes and garner operational efficiencies has been
slower than expected. Will include blockchain technology,
machine learning, digital trends, and their adoption and implementation
in clinical research.
Trial Design Task Force:
The Clinical Trial Design Task Force (CTD-TF) of the National Cancer
Institute (NCI) Investigational Drug Steering Committee (IDSC) has published a
series of discussion papers on phase II trial design in Clinical Cancer
Research. The IDSC has developed formal recommendations about aspects of phase
II trial design that are the subject of frequent debate, such as endpoints
(response versus progression-free survival), randomization (single-arm designs
versus randomization), inclusion of biomarkers, biomarker-based patient
enrichment strategies, and statistical design (e.g., two-stage designs versus
multiple-group adaptive designs). Although these recommendations in general
encourage the use of progression-free survival as the primary endpoint,
randomization, inclusion of biomarkers, and incorporation of newer designs, we
acknowledge that objective response as an endpoint and single-arm designs remain
relevant in certain situations. The design of any clinical trial should always
be carefully evaluated and justified based on characteristic specific to the
Design of Phase II Clinical Trials Testing Cancer Therapeutics: Consensus
Recommendations from the Clinica l Trial Design Task Force of the National
Cancer Institute Investigational Drug Steering Committee. Seymour L, et. al,
Cancer Res. 2010 Mar 9. [Epub ahead of print]
Clinical Trial Innovation Summit
April 6-8,
2020 •
Cambridge, MA | Through
case studies, workshops, panel & roundtable breakout discussions and an
active exhibit hall, the summit delivers the real-world experiences and
best practices needed to optimize clinical trial innovation, planning
and management.
clinical trial simulation:
A relatively new effort to devise in silico
simulations of human physiology and genetic variation to help identify which
compounds will eventually fail in the drug development process.
clinical trials: NIH Definition of a Clinical
A research study in which one or more human subjects are prospectively
assigned to one or more interventions (which may include placebo or
other control) to evaluate the effects of those interventions
on health-related biomedical or behavioral outcomes.
FAQ NIH Clinical trial definition
Why changes to clinical trial
A listing of more than 41,000 industry- and government- sponsored
clinical trials as well as new drug therapies recently approved by the
FDA. Clinical trials,, National Cancer Institute, NIH
Related terms: CRO Clinical Research Organization, clinical informatics,
comparative data mining, FDA drug approvals, postmarketing surveillance, preclinical, predictive data
mining Narrower terms: adaptive clinical trials, computer trial
simulations, explanatory trials, management trials, randomized clinical
Phase I, Phase II, Phase III, Phase IV
, Phase
computable phenotypes
in the context of electronic health records
(EHRs), a computable
phenotype or simply phenotype
refers to a clinical condition or characteristic that can be ascertained
via a computerized query to an EHR system or clinical data repository
using a defined set of data elements and logical expressions. These
queries can identify patients with a condition, such as diabetes
mellitus, obesity, or heart failure, and can be used to support a
variety of purposes and data needs for observational and interventional
NIH Collaboratory of Pragmatic Clinical
Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials:
encompasses various initiatives developed by the CONSORT Group to
alleviate the problems arising from inadequate reporting of randomized
controlled trials. .. The main
product of the CONSORT Group is the CONSORT Statement,[1] which
is an evidence-based,
minimum set of recommendations for reporting randomized
trials. It offers a standard way
for authors to prepare reports of trial findings, facilitating their
complete and transparent reporting, reducing the influence of bias on
their results, and aiding their critical appraisal and interpretation.
Wikipedia accessed 2018 Sept 2
Clinical Research Organization :
An organization that conducts all or some of the clinical research
involved in the drug or product development process on behalf of
pharmaceutical research companies.
Clinical trials
are increasingly being run by outsourcing to these groups.
Disambiguation: CRO may also refer to Contract Research
Organization which focuses on drug discovery and
Data & Technology April 7-8, 2020 Cambridge, MA
Technology and data are at the forefront driving clinical trial
decision-making. With further advancements in new technologies (such as
mobile devices and wearables) and the rise of online communities, the
pharma and biotech industries are poised to capitalize on these
advancements to innovate existing clinical trial processes and systems.
site agreements:
work with hospitals to develop instrumentation and clinical
efficacy trials:
(explanatory trials) determine whether an intervention produces the
expected result under ideal circumstances. Effectiveness trials
(pragmatic trials) measure the degree of beneficial effect under “real
world” clinical settings. 2 Hence,
hypotheses and study designs of an effectiveness trial are formulated
based on conditions of routine clinical practice and on outcomes
essential for clinical decisions.
Efficacy and
effectiveness exist on a continuum. Generalizability depends largely on
the viewpoint of the observer and the condition under investigation.
Baseline patient characteristics (e.g., sex, age, severity of the
disease, racial groups) are primary factors in generalizability; thus,
depending on the population of interest, generalizability of the same
study can range from low to high. Geographic settings (urban versus
rural) and health care systems can also be significant, factors, 1 although
geography may have less influence on generalizability of drug trials
than trials of other interventions (e.g., screening programs, behavioral
therapy). Criteria for Distinguishing Effectiveness From Efficacy Trials
in Systematic Reviews Technical Reviews, No. 12. Gartlehner G, Hansen
RA, Nissman D, et al. Rockville (MD): Agency
for Healthcare Research and Quality (US);
2006 Apr.
Efficacy and effectiveness:
Cochrane, British famous clinical epidemiologist, defined two concepts
related to assessing healthcare interventions. Efficacy is the extent to
which an intervention does more good than harm under ideal
circumstances. Effectiveness assesses whether an intervention does more
good than harm when provided under usual circumstances of healthcare
Research on efficacy and effectiveness has also been described as
explanatory and pragmatic trials.
Kim SY. Efficacy versus Effectiveness. Korean
Journal of Family Medicine.
2013;34(4):227. doi:10.4082/kjfm.2013.34.4.227.
enrichment strategies:
For the purposes of this guidance, the term enrichment is defined
as the prospective use of any patient characteristic to select a study
population in which detection of a drug effect (if one is in fact
present) is more likely than it would be in an unselected population….
Enrichment strategies fall into three broad categories:
1. Strategies to decrease heterogeneity
2. Prognostic enrichment
strategies 3. Predictive enrichment strategies
for Industry Enrichment Strategies for Clinical Trials to Support
Approval of Human Drugs and Biological Products, Dec. 2012
Enrichment Strategies for Clinical
Trials to Support Approval of - FDA
Enrollment Planning and
Patient Recruitment
February 19-20, 2020
Orlando, FL
Patient recruitment and up-front enrollment planning are critical to
drug development programs. Patient recruitment if not adequately planned
for can extend your development timeline by a number of years. Retention
of patients throughout the life of a clinical trial is essential in
order have complete data sets for your analysis and subsequent filings.
In order to optimize both you have to have a plan and effectively
leverage analytics and technology without losing site of the
participant’s user experience
expansion cohort trials FIH FIrst in Human Guidance:
Explanatory trials generally measure efficacy—the benefit a
treatment produces under ideal conditions, often using
carefully defined subjects in a research clinic. Martin Roland, David J
Torgerson, Understanding controlled trials: What are pragmatic trials?
BMJ 316: 285 24 January, 1998
pragmatic trial
Forecasting, Budgeting and Contracting Clinical Trials
February 19-20, 2020 Orlando, FL As
clinical trials become more complex and take on innovative designs, it
is more critical than ever to develop proper strategies for forecasting,
budgeting, negotiating, and contracting both internally and externally
with sites, CROs, and other partners. Finance and operations teams must
continue to evolve and adapt, especially in light of new and changing
regulations and laws.
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act: Research
As related to the definition of a clinical trial, a manipulation of the
subject or subject's environment for the purpose of modifying one or
more health-related biomedical or behavioral processes and/or endpoints.
Examples include: drugs/small molecules/compounds; biologics; devices;
procedures (e.g., surgical techniques); delivery systems (e.g.,
telemedicine, face-to-face interviews); strategies to change
health-related behavior (e.g., diet, cognitive therapy, exercise,
development of new habits); treatment strategies; prevention strategies;
and, diagnostic strategies. NIH, Important Clinical Trial terms
large simple trials:
A large simple trial (LST) is a type of randomized clinical trial (RCT)
ideally suited to answer many important clinical questions and because
it typically answers only one or 2 questions in a broader patient
population, is generally more efficient and less expensive than other
large RCTs. LSTs have a large sample size and statistical power to
detect clinically relevant treatment effects, providing unambiguous
results and minimizing the effects of random errors. Yet, LSTs are not
often employed; Clinical trials transformation initiative
of initial value: What
we observe [in clinical trials] is not so much a placebo
response, but a so- called lure of initial value, where extreme symptoms
tend to get spontaneously better. To get a handle on this problem, it
would be useful to identify genes that are predictive of rapid disease
remission, because many of our problems in terms of testing drugs are
driven by the placebo group. ... One needs very large groups to
detect that small difference. Obtaining genes predictive of response
might also lead to defining the group of people who, because they are
likely to get better spontaneously, are going to get minimal benefit
from the drug.
measurements: are used to collect data, while
interventions are used to modify health-related endpoints. A
manipulation or modification in one’s behavior or environment for the
purpose of measurement alone is not considered a clinical trial. NIH
Clinical Trial Definition
NIH Collaboratory:
Supported by the Common
Fund at
the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the NIH Health Care Systems
Research Collaboratory aims to improve the way clinical trials are
conducted by creating a new infrastructure for collaborative research
with healthcare systems. The ultimate goal is to ensure that healthcare
providers and patients can make decisions based on the best available
clinical evidence.
Outsourced Clinical Trials Managing
February 20-21, 2020
Orlando, FL
As more clinical trial activities are outsourced to contract research
organizations (CROs) and other third-party vendors, sponsors and their
partners must form effective and quality partnerships. Features lessons
learned from sponsors and CROs on vendor quality and performance in
light of the new ICHE6 R2 changes, as well as how to build beneficial
partnerships that effectively mitigate and manage risks and resources.
Outsourcing Strategy Mastering
19-20, 2020
Orlando, FL
Understanding outsourcing needs and optimizing the selection process of
vendors lays the foundation for an efficient, cost-effective clinical
with a specific disease or condition, particularly those being treated
by a health professional.
Patient-Centric Enrollment Planning and Engagement
Sept 17-18, 2019 Barcelona
Patient recruitment and up-front enrollment planning are critical to
drug development programs and if not adequately planned for or properly
executed can extend your development timeline by a number of years.
Clinical researchers and study teams are working hard to better
identify, understand and engage patients. Developing both a
patient-centric culture and systems are key to enrolling and retaining
patients throughout the life of a clinical trial. There are strategies,
new technologies and techniques to empower patients, improve outreach
and better match trials to the patients who need them.
Engagement & Enrollment April 7-8, 2020 Cambridge MA
Recruitment, retention and continued engagement of clinical trial
participants is essential to successfully completing a clinical trial on
time. With the rise of social media platforms and digital technology,
the pharma industry stands to leverage these to improve patient
experience, engagement, and adherence.
Patient Engagement, Enrollment and Retention through Communities and
February 20-21, 2020
Orlando, FL
Enrollment planning, patient recruitment and a more patient-centric
approach to study planning and execution are critical to drug
development programs and garner a lot of attention by study teams.
However, once the hard work of identifying and recruiting a trial
subject has been accomplished they must be retained and remain in
compliance. Retention of patients throughout the life of a clinical
trial is essential to have complete data sets for your analysis and
subsequent filings. There are strategies, tools and data-driven
techniques such as social media platforms and mobile technology,
empowered patient communities, and a more informed patient population
that need to be understood and engaged.
Patient Recruitment & Site
April 7-8 , 2019 Cambridge, MA |
Delays in patient recruitment can set back
drug development by years and millions of dollars. Effective patient
recruitment plans that leverage the latest analytics and technologies,
as well as involve patient insight, are critical to successful clinical
Reported Outcomes Consortium:
Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) Consortium was formed in late 2008 by the
Critical Path Institute (C-Path) in cooperation with the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration’s (FDA) Center for Drug Evaluation and Research and
the pharmaceutical industry, and formally launched in March 2009. The
mission of the PRO Consortium is to establish and maintain a
collaborative framework with appropriate stakeholders for the
qualification of PRO measures and other clinical outcome assessment
(COA) tools that will be publicly available for use in clinical trials
where COA-based endpoints are used to support product labeling claims.
Patient-reported outcome (PRO) data
are defined by the FDA as “any report of the status of a patient’s
health condition that comes directly from the patient, without
interpretation of the patient’s response by a clinician or anyone else.”
These data are increasingly used to inform and guide patient-centered
care, clinical decision-making, and health policy decisions NIH
Collaboratory, Patient Reported Outcomes Working Group
main aim of this phase is to determine drug safety. At this stage, drugs
are tested in a small group of healthy volunteers to determine the
drug’s activity.
trials are aimed at identifying the optimal dose to be used in Phase III
trials and, ideally, they identify drugs that will not make it through
the next phase of testing. Typically, Phase II trials are double-blinded
and have placebo controls.
II clinical trials design:
optimal design of phase II studies continues to be the subject of vigorous
debate, especially studies of newer molecularly targeted agents. The
observations that many new therapeutics "fail" in definitive phase III
studies, coupled with the numbers of new agents to be tested as well as the
increasing costs and complexity of clinical trials, further emphasize the
critical importance of robust and efficient phase II design.
Design of Phase II Clinical Trials Testing Cancer Therapeutics: Consensus
Recommendations from the Clinica l Trial Design Task Force of the National
Cancer Institute Investigational Drug Steering
Committee. Seymour L, et.
Cancer Res. 2010 Mar 9. [Epub ahead of print]
IIa and b:
Some pharmaceutical companies further differentiate this
phase into phases IIA and IIB. Clinical studies designed to evaluate
dosing are referred to as Phase IIA and studies designed to determine
the effectiveness of the drug are called phase IIB. Design and
Analysis of Clinical Trials
Chow, Jen-pei Liu
III: These
studies, which take several years, can involve thousands of patients at
multiple trial centers. They are aimed at definitively determining the
drug’s effectiveness and its side- effect profiles. These studies are
also typically double- blinded and placebo- controlled.
III success rates for the pharmaceutical industry are low, but recent
advances in simulation & modeling, clinical trial design,
proof-of-concept, and pre-clinical decision making are set to reduce the
attrition rate.
is common practice that certain Phase III trials will continue while the
regulatory submission is pending at the appropriate regulatory agency.
This allows patients to continue to receive possibly lifesaving drugs
until the drug can be obtained by purchase. Other reasons for performing
trials at this stage include attempts by the sponsor at "label
expansion" (to show the drug works for additional types of
patients/diseases beyond the original use for which the drug was
approved for marketing), to obtain additional safety data, or to support
marketing claims for the drug. Studies in this phase are by some
companies categorised as "Phase IIIB studies."[25][26]
Wikipedia accessed Feb 15 2011
Planned post-marketing studies of diagnostic,
therapeutic, or prophylactic drugs, devices, or techniques that have been
approved for general sale. These studies are often conducted to obtain
additional data about the safety and efficacy of a product. This concept
includes phase IV studies conducted in both the U.S. and in other countries.
MeSH Clinical trials, Phase IV as topic 2008 (1993)
Not all Phase IV studies are post-marketing surveillance (PMS) studies
but every PMS study is a phase IV study. Phase IV is also an important
phase of drug development. In particular, the real world effectiveness
of a drug as evaluated in an observational, non-interventional trial in
a naturalistic setting which complements the efficacy data that emanates
from a pre-marketing randomized controlled trial (RCT). No matter how
many patients are studied pre-marketing in a controlled environment, the
true safety profile of a drug is characterized only by continuing safety
surveillance through a spontaneous adverse event monitoring system and a
post-marketing surveillance/non-interventional study.
Phase IV of Drug Development
Dr Viraj Suvarna Perspect Clin Res. 2010 Apr-Jun; 1(2): 57–60.
PMCID PMC3148611
also Post-Marketing Surveillence
phase zero:
Phase 0 studies are exploratory studies
that often use only a few small doses of a new drug in a few patients.
They might test whether the drug reaches the tumor, how the drug acts in
the human body, and how cancer cells in the human body respond to the
drug. The patients in these studies might need extra tests such as
biopsies, scans, and blood samples as part of the study process.The
biggest difference between phase 0 and the later phases of clinical
trials is that there’s almost no chance the volunteer will benefit by
taking part in a phase 0 trial – the benefit will be for other people in
the future. Because drug doses are low, there’s also less risk to the
patient in phase 0 studies compared to phase I studies. Phase 0 studies
help researchers find out whether the drugs do what they’re expected to
do. If there are problems with the way the drug is absorbed or acts in
the body, this should become clear very quickly in a phase 0 clinical
trial. This process may help avoid the delay and expense of finding out
years later in phase II or even phase III clinical trials that the drug
doesn’t act as expected to based on lab studies. Phase 0 studies aren’t
used widely, and there are some drugs for which they wouldn’t be
helpful. Phase 0 studies are very small, often with fewer than 15
people, and the drug is given only for a short time. They’re not a
required part of testing a new drug. American Cancer Society, Phase Zero
Clinical trials
Related term: Drug discovery
& Development microdosing
clinical trials:
intermediate-sized clinical trials supported through this RFA are a
pivotal decision point in the NCI chemoprevention drug development
program. The consensus view of a Working Group from the NCI and the FDA
acknowledges that "the interim analysis of a validated surrogate
endpoint of cancer incidence may facilitate the timely and
cost-effective marketing of efficacious drugs (Kelloff et al., Cancer
Epidemiol. Biomark. Prev. 4: 1-10, 1995)." Thus, the efficacy and
safety data from these studies potentially supports FDA marketing
approval (NDA applications) for chemoprevention indications, and
certainly facilitates decisions regarding the most appropriate
recommendations for subsequent large, community-based efficacy studies.
Pivotal clinical trials for chemoprevention clinical development
National Cancer Institute, NIH RFA: CA-98-001 1997
term: adaptive clinical trials
non- responders:
responders on placebo] define a group that would never improve their
condition unless given the drug. They may be a group that, if we could
identify them, could be used to reduce clinical trial size. Using this
group in a proof- of -concept, it may be possible to test a drug even
without a comparative placebo and determine whether it is likely to be
Related terms: disease resistant individuals, lure of initial value,
placebo responders
responders: Most
people think of the placebo response as a true response. But much of it
is actually regression to the mean. Clinical trial subjects with
more extreme symptoms are often selected because it is desirable to see
a dramatic effect upon treatment with the drug.
terms: disease resistant individuals, lure of initial value, placebo
non- responders
surveillence: Drug safety
pragmatic clinical trials:
performed in real-world clinical settings with highly generalizable
populations to generate actionable clinical evidence at a fraction of
the typical cost and time needed to conduct a traditional clinical
trial. They present an opportunity to efficiently address critical
knowledge gaps and generate high-quality evidence to inform medical
decision-making. However, these trials pose different challenges than
are typically encountered with traditional clinical trials. NIH
Collaboratory of Pragmatic Clinical Trials
trials measure effectiveness—the benefit the treatment
produces in routine clinical practice Martin Roland, David J
Torgerson, Understanding controlled trials: What are pragmatic trials?
BMJ 316: 285 24 January, 1998
explanatory trials
protection of human subjects: Revised common rule: The
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and fifteen other Federal
Departments and Agencies have issued final revisions to the Federal
Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects (the Common Rule). A final
rule was published in the Federal Register (FR) on January 19, 2017, and
was amended to delay the effective and compliance dates on January 22,
2018 and June 19, 2018.
Terminology related to the Revised Common Rule
Protocol Development, Global Site Selection, Feasibility and Site
February 19-20, 2019
Orlando, FL
Data-driven global site selection, an optimized protocol development and
feasibility assessment process, and effective site management are
critical to improving clinical trial timelines and outcomes. Too often
companies fail to learn from past mistakes and take the same approach to
trial planning and execution. In order to overcome challenges in
clinical trial planning, operations and site management leaders should
learn from the best practices of their peers, utilize data and analytics
to support decision making, and improve communication and relationships
between Sites, CROs, and Sponsors
clinical trials RCTs:
study in which the participants are assigned by chance to separate
groups that compare different treatments; neither the researchers nor
the participants can choose which group. Using chance to assign people
to groups means that the groups will be similar and that the treatments
they receive can be compared objectively. At the time of the trial, it
is not known which treatment is best. National Cancer Institute Dictionary of
Cancer Terms
controlled clinical trials:
the gold standard for determining the efficacy of therapeutic
interventions. However, medical practice has not evolved around the
concept of randomized trials, but around the idea of careful
observations, (anecdotal) case studies and the evaluation of
retrospective data. Interventions discovered by these means and taken
forward into clinical practice became standard practice as they
continued to be superior when compared with prior or alternative types
of treatment.
to the future: why randomized controlled trials cannot be the answer to
pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine, Frueh FW. Pharmacogenomics.
2009 Jul;10(7):1077-81
Real World Data Leveraging for Clinical and
Observational Research
February 20-21, 2020
Orlando, FL
The abundance of data generated during routine health care is growing in
significance and should be used for clinical and observational research.
Patient electronic records, registries, data from pharmacy and social
media, and wearable sensors have been increasingly used as eSources.
This process requires strategizing, utilizing novel data technologies,
as well as close collaboration between pharmaceutical companies and
organizations that possess the data. See related pragmatic
clinical trials.
Resource Management and Capacity Planning for Clinical Trials
20-21, 2020
Orlando, FL
Resource management and capacity planning is as complex as the clinical
trial protocol itself – and the need to properly manage staff, workload,
and outsourced partners is more important than ever to execute trials on
time and within budget. To properly understand resource needs, the scope
of the pipeline, and the types of complex protocols to be expected,
resource managers need input and information from the project to the
portfolio level, from finance and operations teams. All teams must
ultimately find the best balance between cost savings and high
Risk-Based Monitoring
Sept 17-18, 2019 Barcelona |
With the passing of ICH E6 R2, the biopharma industry now places greater
emphasis on clinical trial quality and oversight than ever before.
Ensuring clinical trial quality from the onset of clinical trial
planning lays the foundation for successful trials and risk-based
monitoring (RBM) implementation. As industry adoption of risk-based
monitoring increases, it is clear that although RBM takes many forms –
remote, centralized, and risk-based monitoring – successful risk-based
monitoring implementation from pilot studies to full-scale rollout
requires proper change management, analytics and processes. Once
established RBM and its resulting data can be leveraged to drive future
clinical trial decision making.
Risk-Based Monitoring
Implementing (Part 1)
February 19-20, 2020
Orlando, FL
Poor quality and risk management of clinical trials significantly
impacts the success, timeliness and cost-effectiveness of clinical
trials. lessons learned, case studies, and ample discussion on
building and maintaining proper clinical quality management systems with
emphasis on the latest quality standards and guidelines, including the
recent ICH-E6 R2 addendum changes, thereby ensuring higher quality
clinical trials and laying the foundation for successful risk-based
monitoring. The program will also focus on successful RBM implementation
tactics employed by small and mid-sized organizations.
2 February
20-21 2020 Orlando FL
Risk-based monitoring (RBM) approaches promise to improve clinical trial
efficiency while ensuring data quality. As industry adoption of RBM
increases, it is critical to reflect on lessons learned to refine the
process as well as focus on leveraging RBM data for clinical operations.
Risk Based Monitoring Mastering
7-8, 2020 Cambridge, MA Ensuring
quality from the outset of a clinical trial leads to higher quality,
lower risk clinical trials. The ensuing risk assessment and mitigation
from the design and planning of clinical trials with the establishment
of clinical quality management systems lays the foundation for
successful risk-based monitoring (RBM)
A measure of the risk of a certain event happening in one group compared
to the risk of the same event happening in another group. In cancer
research, risk ratios are used in prospective (forward looking) studies,
such as cohort studies and clinical trials. A risk ratio of one means
there is no difference between two groups in terms of their risk of
cancer, based on whether or not they were exposed to a certain substance
or factor, or how they responded to two treatments being compared. A
risk ratio of greater than one or of less than one usually means that
being exposed to a certain substance or factor either increases (risk
ratio greater than one) or decreases (risk ratio less than one) the risk
of cancer, or that the treatments being compared do not have the same
effects. Also called relative risk.
NCI Dictionary
Sensors, Wearables and Digital Biomarkers in Clinical Trials:
Digital Endpoints and Connectivity
19-20 2020, Orlando FL
Clinical research industry is moving toward end-to-end digital clinical
trials. The data collection should stay in line with this inevitable
change and wearables and point-of-care sensors address this need.
Furthermore, digital biomarkers translate new data sources into
clinically actionable insights.
site management organization:
Selection & Feasibility Strategies for Selecting High
Performing Sites April 7-8, 2020 Cambridge MA The ability to identify and
select high performing sites is key to effectively launching a clinical
trial. CHI’s “Site Selection & Feasibility” conference features best
practices and case studies on successful site selection techniques using
novel, patient-centric and data-driven approaches.
Site-Study Activation and Performance Improving
20-21, 2020
Orlando, FL
trial site activation and efficient study start-up are critical to drug
development programs, in terms of time, cost and quality of data. To
improve start-up times and outcomes, one needs an experienced clinical
research investigator, motivated and capable team members and efficient
communication by all. Everyone (Sponsor, CRO, Site) must communicate and
execute effectively in order to improve: the study feasibility process,
contract and budget negotiations, standardization of source documents
and other study-related materials, development of patient and staff
educational materials, and development of patient recruitment and
retention programs.
clinical trials: The FDA has
been cautious in forwarding any policy on genotyping and clinical
trial stratification, while at the same time trying to engage the
industry in discussions on the subject.
being studied as part of clinical trials or other investigation,
including those serving as controls.
trials (or studies): have
many different treatment arms within one trial. People are assigned to a
treatment arm of the trial based on their type of cancer and the
specific molecular makeup of their cancer. ASCO American Society
Clinical Oncology, Clinical trial Design and Methodology
Related term: basket trials
Clinical trials resources
CDISC, Glossary
CDISC, Acronym, Abbreviations and Initials, 2010
CenterWatch Glossary, 100+ definitions Glossary of Clinical Trials Terms, National Library
of Medicine, 2007.
Cochran Collaboration, Cochran Glossary
CDER Glossary,
FDA Clinical trials guidance documents
FDA Glossary, Independent Institute, 2003, about 60 terms NIH Collaboratory of
Pragmatic Clinical Trials: Rethinking Clinical trials NIH Grants Important Clinical Trial
related Terms,
PharmaSchool JargonBuster,
Clinical trial terminology, about 400 terms.
WHO glossary,
trials Conferences
BioIT World Expo Clinical trial innovation
SCOPE Summit for Clinical Operations Executives
SCOPE Europe,
Sept 17-18, 2019 Barcelona Spain
Clinical Trials Barnett Publications
Clinical Trials Barnett Core Curriculum
Clinical Trials, Barnett Training courses
Clinical Trials Barnett Web Seminars
to look for other unfamiliar terms