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3D Bioprinting Information Resources poster
3D Bioprinting Information Resources
Mary Chitty, MSLS, Library Director & Taxonomist, Cambridge Healthtech,
printing in the life sciences encompasses medical devices, dental implants
both for prototyping and personalized for individual patients. Live cell
and tissue printing is now used to produce “organs on a chip” for drug
Using cells, proteins, biomaterials and/or other bioactive elements as
building blocks to fabricate advanced biological models, medical
therapeutic products and non-medical biological systems. Scope note,
Biofabrication, IOP Publishing
A material transfer technique used for assembling biological material or
cells into a prescribed organization to create functional structures such
as MICROCHIP ANALYTICAL DEVICES, cell microarrays, or three dimensional
anatomical structures. MeSH 2013 New manufacturing technologies under the banner of rapid prototyping enable the fabrication of structures close in architecture to biological tissue. In their simplest form, these technologies allow the manufacture of scaffolds upon which cells can grow for later implantation into the body. A more exciting prospect is the printing and patterning in three dimensions of all the components that make up a tissue (cells and matrix materials) to generate structures analogous to tissues; this has been termed bioprinting. Printing and prototyping of tissues and scaffolds. Derby B. Science. 2012 Nov 16;338(6109):921-6. doi: 10.1126/science.1226340 PubMed growth of articles 2005-2014
2005-2014 4,576% increase
Association of 3D printing
International Society for Biofabrication
Other articles appear in Advances in Health Materials, Wiley,
Lab Chip, Royal Society of Chemistry
and scattered in bioengineering, biomaterials, nanomedicine, nanoscience,
tissue engineering and other journals.
3D printing, Penton
Prototype Today
AutoDesk, Organovo partnership
Wyss organs-on-chips
Bioprinting companies to watch, Stem Cell Assays 2014
What are your go-to resources?
Thanks to Michael Drues, Vascular Sciences; and Geraldine Hamilton, Wyss
Institute for their helpful talks and discussions.
IUPAC definitions are reprinted with the permission of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. |
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