SCOPE NOTE Drug safety includes adverse events, immunogenicity, cardiotoxicity,
hepatotoxicity, neurotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, toxicology, Phase
IV/pharmacovigilance post marketing surveillance, preclinical drug safety.
Related glossaries include Biomarkers
trials Pharmacogenomics
adverse drug event ADE:
Recently, another more
inclusive term, Adverse Drug Event (ADE) has come into use. According to Bates
et al, the term ADE, defined as an injury resulting from medical intervention
related to a drug, is preferred since it is more comprehensive and clinically
significant than the ADR. (JAMA 1995;274:29- 34). Saeed A Khan, "Drug
Interaction or Adverse Drug Reaction? Confusing Terms", British Medical
Journal 10 July, 1998
Related terms: adverse drug reaction ADR, drug interaction. See also
pharmacovigilance, post-marketing surveillance
adverse effect:
Change in biochemistry, physiology, growth, development
morphology, behavior, or lifespan of an organism which
results in impairment of functional capacity or impairment
of capacity to compensate for additional stress or increase
in susceptibility to
other environmental influences. Change in biochemistry,
physiology, growth, development morphology, behavior, or
lifespan of an organism which results in impairment of
functional capacity or impairment of capacity to compensate
for additional stress or increase in susceptibility to
other environmental influences. IUPAC Toxicology
event terminology, Norman GoldFarb 2012 Journal of Clinical Research Best
adverse drug
reaction ADR: ADRs may include drug interactions as one of many causes
but the reverse is not true. The reader is cautioned regarding usage of drug
reaction terms as multiple nearly- similar terms of varying granularity abound.
.. "An adverse reaction to a drug has been defined as any noxious or
unintended reaction to a drug that is administered in standard doses by the
proper route for the purpose of prophylaxis, diagnosis, or treatment(2).
However, WHO's original definition of ADR excluded therapeutic failures,
intentional and accidental poisoning and drug abuse, as well as adverse events
due to medication errors such as drug administration or non- compliance(1) ...
Due to non- uniform usage of these terms, it is sometimes difficult to compare
various studies and derive incidence rates, etc. for ADRs, and Drug
Interactions. Saeed A Khan, "Drug Interaction or Adverse Drug Reaction?
Confusing Terms", British Medical Journal 10 July, 1998
We define an adverse
drug reaction as "an appreciably harmful or unpleasant reaction, resulting
from an intervention related to the use of a medicinal product, which predicts
hazard from future administration and warrants prevention or specific treatment,
or alteration of the dosage regimen, or withdrawal of the product." Such
reactions are currently reported by use of WHO's Adverse Reaction Terminology,
which will eventually become a subset of the International Classification of
Diseases. Adverse drug reactions are classified into six types (with mnemonics):
dose-related (Augmented), non-dose-related (Bizarre), dose-related and
time-related (Chronic), time-related (Delayed), withdrawal (End of use), and
failure of therapy (Failure). Edwards, IR; Aronson JK,
Drug Reactions, Definitions, Diagnosis and Management, Lancet 356(9237):
1255- 1259, 2000 Oct 7
Related terms: adverse drug event ADE, drug interaction
Ames test:
test for genotoxicity, developed in the 1970s, determines the reversion of a
mutant his gene in Salmonella typhimurium when exposed to a
genotoxic agent that causes base changes affecting the mutant gene.
antedrug concept was introduced by Lee and Soliman in 1982 in designing potent,
yet safer locally active anti-inflammatory steroids. Antedrug
defined as an active synthetic derivative that is designed to undergo
biotransformation to the readily excretable inactive form upon entry in the
systemic circulation, thus
systemic side effects and increasing the therapeutic indices
MO Khan et al
an approach to safer drugs,
Med Chem 2005;12(19): 2227-2239
toxicology: Of particular interest [to the Journal of Biochemical and
Molecular toxicology] are aspects of molecular biology related to biochemical
toxicology. These include studies of the expression of genes related to
detoxication and activation enzymes, toxicants with modes of action involving
effects on nucleic acids, gene expression and protein synthesis, and the
toxicity of products derived from biotechnology. Journal of Biochemical and
Molecular Toxicology, Wiley Periodicals
At least 50 companies
have a claimed product or service relevant to cardiotoxicity screening, of which
29 have some clear focus on proarrhythmic cardiotoxicity or ion channel
screening. ... Ion currents across a cardiac myocyte cell membrane cause a
sequence of voltage changes known as the action potential, which is the basis of
the heartbeat. Drug-mediated interference with one or more of the ion
channels that give rise to the action potential may cause potentially lethal
arrhythmias. This could be brought about by direct binding of drug to ion
channel proteins, or by indirect interference with ion channel function. The
clinical outcome of drug-ion channel interactions could be potentiated by a
variety of predisposing factors, such as concurrent disease, medication, genetic
variations, age, and gender. Insight Pharma Reports,
issues, technologies and solutions for the future, 2008
Cardiotoxicity is one
of the major forms of toxicity seen in drugs and it accounts for most drug
recalls and delays experienced in regulatory approvals. While improvements in
experimental and clinical trial design have helped with better detection of
cardiac toxicity in drug candidates, the problem still persists and often goes
unnoticed until the compound is further along in development or has reached the
toxicology: Tens
of thousands of chemicals are currently in use, and hundreds more are introduced
every year. Because current chemical testing is expensive and time consuming,
only a small fraction of chemicals have been evaluated fully for potential human
health effects. EPA’s National
Center for Computational Toxicology is working to figure out how to change the
current approach used to evaluate the safety of chemicals. NCCT researchers
integrate advances in biology, biotechnology, chemistry, and computer science to
identify important biological processes that may be disrupted by the chemicals.
drug metabolites:
for Industry, Safety testing of drug metabolites, FDA, 2008
drug safety:
products’ effective clinical safety will increase the industry’s fundamental
value proposition to patients, healthcare providers, payors and regulators. The
program will focus on pharmacovigilance program implementation and specific
strategies and approaches to creating true value from a peri- and post-approval
drug safety program. Drug safety programs and monitoring and the approach of
this conference are not to look at safety in the silos of early-phase safety or
post-approval safety but to view safety holistically, across the lifecycle,
especially at the transition from approval to broader use in the marketplace.
Narrower terms: pharmacovigilance, Phase IV, post approval drug safety,
preclinical drug safety
Drug Safety & Availability,
Information for consumers and health professionals on new
drug warnings and other safety information, drug label
changes, and shortages of medically necessary drug products.
CDER Drug Safety Priorities,
FDA 2017
Medicines Agency
Understanding the biological effects of exposures to chemicals in the
environment relies on classical methods and emerging technologies in the areas
of genomics, proteomics, and metabonomics. Linkages between the historical and
newer toxicological tools are currently being developed in order to predict and
assess risk. Being able to classify chemicals and other stressors based on
effects they have at the molecular, tissue, and organismal levels helps define a
systems biology approach to development of streamlined, cost-effective, and
comprehensive testing approaches for evaluating environmental hazards. AL
Miracle, GT Ankley, Ecotoxicogenomics: linkages between exposure and effects in
assessing risks of aquatic contaminants to fish. Reprod Toxicol 19(3): 321- 326,
Jan- Feb 2005
To facilitate the application of chemistry in ecotoxicology, there is a need
for a glossary addressing the terms in ecotoxicology essential for communication
between the disciplines. This project will create such a glossary, reflecting
IUPAC's concern about the impact of chemicals on health and the environment. It
will also complement the previous projects which resulted in glossaries in
toxicology and toxicokinetics. IUPAC, Glossary of terms used in
ED 50:
Abbreviation for median effective dose.
endocrine disruptors:
chemicals that can interfere with endocrine (or
hormone) systems at certain doses. These disruptions can
cause cancerous tumors, birth defects, and other
developmental disorders.[1] Any
system in the body controlled by hormones can be derailed by
hormone disruptors. Specifically, endocrine disruptors may
be associated with the development of learning
disabilities, severe attention
deficit disorder, cognitive and
brain development problems; deformations of the body
(including limbs); breast cancer, prostate cancer, thyroid
and other cancers; sexual development problems such as feminizing of
males or masculinizing effects
on females, etc.[2]
Recently the Endocrine
Society released a statement on endocrine-disrupting
chemicals (EDCs) specifically listing obesity, diabetes,
female reproduction, male reproduction, hormone-sensitive
cancers in females, prostate cancer in males, thyroid, and
neurodevelopment and neuroendocrine systems as being
affected biological aspects of being exposed to EDCs.[3] The
critical period of development for most organisms is between
the transition from a fertilized egg into a fully formed
infant. As the cells begin to grow and differentiate, there
are critical balances of hormones and protein changes that
must occur. Therefore, a dose of disrupting chemicals may do
substantial damage to a developing fetus.
The same dose may not significantly affect adult mothers.
Wikipedia accessed 2018 Nov 19
evidence based toxicology: This paper identifies
deficiencies in some current practices of causation and risk
evaluation by toxicologists and formulates an evidence-based
solution. The practice of toxicology focuses on adverse
health events caused by physical or chemical agents. Some
relations between agents and events are identified risks,
meaning unwanted events known to occur at some frequency.
However, other relations that are only possibilities--not
known to occur (and may never be realized) --also are
sometimes called risks and are even expressed
quantitatively. The seemingly slight differences in
connotation among various uses of the word 'risk' conceal
deeply philosophic differences in the epistemology of harm.
We label as 'nomological possibilities' (not as risks) all
predictions of harm that are known not to be physically or
logically impossible. Some of these nomological
possibilities are known to be causal. We term them
'epistemic'. Epistemic possibilities are risks. The
remaining nomological possibilities are called
'uncertainties'. Distinguishing risks (epistemic
relationships) from among all nomological possibilities
requires knowledge of causation. Causality becomes knowable
when scientific experiments demonstrate, in a strong,
consistent (repeatable), specific, dose-dependent, coherent,
temporal and predictive manner that a change in a stimulus
determines an asymmetric, directional change in the effect.
toxicology: a comprehensive framework for causation, Guzelian PS, Victoroff
MS, Halmes NC, James RC, Guzelian CP., Hum Exp Toxicol. 2005 Apr;24(4): 161-201
Every day
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) works to balance expeditious access to
drugs with concerns for safety, consonant with its mission to protect and
advance the public health. The task is all the more complex given the vast
diversity of patients and how they respond to drugs, the conditions being
treated, and the range of pharmaceutical products and supplements patients use.
Reviewers in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) at the FDA must
weigh the information available about a drug’s risk and benefit, make
decisions in the context of scientific uncertainty, and integrate emerging
information bearing on a drug’s risk-benefit profile throughout the lifecycle
of a drug, from drug discovery to the end of its useful life. These processes
may have life-or-death consequences for individual patients, and for drugs that
are widely used, they may also affect entire segments of the population.
Future of Drug Safety: Promoting and Protecting the Health of the Public,
National Academies Press, 2007
good pharmacovigilance practice:
hepatotoxicity: Wikipedia
idiosyncratic drug reactions,
also known as type B reactions, are drug
reactions that
occur rarely and unpredictably amongst the population. This
is not to be mistaken with idiopathic,
which implies that the cause is not known. They frequently
occur with exposure to new drugs, as they have not been
fully tested and the full range of possible side-effects
have not been discovered; they may also be listed as an adverse
drug reaction with
a drug, but are extremely rare. Wikipedia accessed August
12, 2018
The primary role of Phase IV post marketing surveillance is to
detect rare or idiosyncratic adverse events that do not manifest in the
population sizes common to clinical trials ... While clinical forecasting is
aimed at predicting safety and efficacy early in the drug development process,
rare or idiosyncratic toxicities can only be detected in Phase IV. There,
Phase IV serves as a very important safety net, to catch problems that could not
be predicted. Insight Pharma Reports,
Forecasting of Phase III Outcomes: The Next Wave in
Predictive Tools, June 2007
Few drug
development surprises can be as devastating as toxicity problems that only show
up under a combination of conditions as idiosyncratic toxicity. Because of the
role of variations in human drug metabolizing enzymes there may only be subtle
(or no) evidence of such problems during pre-clinical safety studies. Such
problems are also unlikely to show up in all but the largest clinical trials,
but if the side effects are serious, it can result in product withdrawal.
is the ability of a particular substance, such as an antigen or epitope, to
provoke an immune response in the body of a human or animal. In other words, immunogenicity is
the ability to induce a humoral and/or cell-mediated immune responses.
accessed 2017
Oct 16
Immunogenicity Assessment and Regulatory Approval of
Achieving Assay Quality and Clinical Success of Novel
APRIL 10-11, 2019 BOSTON MA Immunogenicity has always been a
critical safety concern, especially when many
biotherapeutics are becoming increasingly complex.
Understanding and controlling immunogenicity-related risks
are essential in the development of biotherapeutics to
ensure meeting the regulatory requirements. The 12th Annual Immunogenicity
Assessment and Regulatory Approval of Biologics conference
brings industry, regulatory and scientific experts together
to share best practices in assessing immunogenicity of novel
biologics along with biosimilar products. The session will
also discuss the challenges and solutions for addressing new
regulatory guidelines in assay development and validation
for cell and gene therapies.
Immunogenicity Case Studies and Clinical Management
Interpretation and Understanding of Immunogenicity Data in
Clinical Settings
As the immunogenicity field is moving forward, closing the
gap between clinicians and assay developers is essential in
the success of biologic development and accelerates the
adoption of new biologic therapies in patient treatments.
This year, CHI’s Immunogenicity Case Studies and
Clinical Management conference
will focus on new case studies of novel biologics and
emphasize on closing this gap by providing multiple
viewpoints from clinicians, technology developers and
regulators on how to use immunogenicity data in clinical
application of informatics techniques to molecules of the immune system. One of
the key goals of immunoinformatics is the development of computer aided vaccine
design (CAVD), or computational vaccinology, and its application to the search
for new vaccines. Key to solving this challenge is the prediction of
immunogenicity, be that at the level of epitope, subunit vaccine or attenuated
pathogen. Flower DR,
IA Immunoinformatics
and the prediction of immunogenicity Appl
Bioinformatics. 2002;1(4):167-176
The primary objective of this “Glossary of Terms Used in
Immunotoxicology” is to give clear definitions for those who
contribute to studies relevant to immunotoxicology but are
not themselves immunologists. This applies especially to
chemists who need to understand the literature of immunology
without recourse to a multiplicity of other glossaries or
dictionaries. The glossary includes terms related to basic
and clinical immunology insofar as they are necessary for a
self-contained document, and particularly terms related to
diagnosing, measuring, and understanding effects of
substances on the immune system. The glossary consists of
about 1200 terms as primary alphabetical entries, and
Annexes of common abbreviations, examples of chemicals with
known effects on the immune system, autoantibodies in
autoimmune disease, and therapeutic agents used in
autoimmune disease and cancer.
IUPAC mmunotoxicology
recommendations, 2012
LD 50:
The dose of a substance that will kill half (50%) of the treated test
animals when given as a single dose. A measure of acute toxicity. Chemical
Hygiene Glossary of Terms, Environment, Health & Safety Lab, Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory, US
Optimization for Drug Metabolism & Safety
and Strategies for Predicting, Evaluating and Building
Safety into Drug Design
APRIL 12, 2019 San
Diego CA
The more chemists know about how the structure of a compound
can possibly impact its drug-like properties, the faster
they can optimize it for drug development. Lead compounds in
drug discovery need to be optimized for both efficacy and
safety. Unfortunately, some of the adverse events related to
drug metabolism, clearance, and drug-drug interactions (DDI)
do not surface until much later in drug development. This
unique one-day symposium on Lead
Optimization for Drug Metabolism & Safety will
bring together experts from chemistry, ADME, DMPK and
pharmacology to talk about some of the factors that must be
considered early in lead optimization, particularly for
addressing safety concerns.
A compound derived from
the parent drug through Phase I and/or Phase II metabolic pathways, Glossary,
Guidance for Industry, Safety testing of drug metabolites, FDA, 2016
intermediate or product resulting from metabolism. IUPAC International
Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Glossary for Chemists of terms used in
biotechnology. Recommendations, Pure & Applied Chemistry 64 (1): 143-168,
1992 See also
toxicology: The scope [of the Journal of Biochemical and Molecular
Toxicology] includes effects on the organism at all stages of development, on
organ systems, tissues, and cells as well as on enzymes, receptors, hormones,
and genes. The biochemical and molecular aspects of uptake, transport, storage,
excretion, activation and detoxication of drugs, agricultural, industrial and
environmental chemicals, natural products and food additives are all subjects
suitable for publication. Of particular interest are aspects of molecular
biology related to biochemical toxicology. These include studies of the
expression of genes related to detoxication and activation enzymes, toxicants
with modes of action involving effects on nucleic acids, gene expression and
protein synthesis, and the toxicity of products derived from biotechnology.
Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology, Wiley Periodicals
Nanotoxicology invites
contributions addressing research relating to the potential for human and
environmental exposure, hazard and risk associated with the use and development
of nano-structured materials. In this context, the term nano-structured
materials has a broad definition, including ‘materials with at least one
dimension in the nanometer size range’. These nanomaterials range from
nanoparticles and nanomedicines, to nano-surfaces of larger materials and
composite materials. The range of nanomaterials in use and under development is
extremely diverse, so this journal includes a range of materials generated for
purposeful delivery into the body (food, medicines, diagnostics and
prosthetics), to consumer products (e.g. paints, cosmetics, electronics and
clothing), and particles designed for environmental applications (e.g.
remediation). It is the nano-size range if these materials which unifies them
and defines the scope of Nanotoxicology. While the term
‘toxicology’ indicates risk, the journal Nanotoxicology also aims to
encompass studies that enhance safety during the production, use and disposal of
nanomaterials. Well-controlled studies demonstrating a lack of exposure, hazard
or risk associated with nanomaterials, or studies aiming to improve
biocompatibility are welcomed and encouraged, as such studies will lead to an
advancement of nanotechnology. Furthermore, many nanoparticles are developed
with the intention to improve human health (e.g. antimicrobial agents), and
again, such articles are encouraged. In order to promote quality. Aims and
Scope, Nanotoxicology, Taylor & Francis
toxicity in the kidneys.
It is a poisonous effect
of some substances,
both toxic chemicals and medications,
on renal
function. There are various forms,[1] and
some drugs may affect renal function in more than one way. Nephrotoxins are
substances displaying nephrotoxicity. Nephrotoxicity should not be confused with
the fact that some medications have a predominantly renal excretion and need
their dose adjusted for the decreased renal function (e.g., heparin).
Wikipedia accessed 2018 Aug 20
neurotoxicity: a form of toxicity in
which a biological, chemical, or physical agent produces an
adverse effect on the structure or function of the central and/or peripheral nervous
system.[1] It
occurs when exposure to substance – specifically, a neurotoxin –
alters the normal activity of the nervous system in such a
way as to cause permanent or reversible damage to nervous
tissue.[1] This
can eventually disrupt or even kill neurons,
which are cells that transmit
and process signals in the brain and other parts of the
nervous system. … The term neurotoxicity implies the
involvement of a neurotoxin; however, the
term neurotoxic may be used more loosely to describe states
that are known to cause physical brain
damage, but where no specific neurotoxin has been
identified. Wikipedia accessed 2018 Nov 10 the need for
totally or partially replacing the animal toxicity assays
with shorter-term, animal-free toxicological methods has
become more and more compelling in the recent decades. In
the field of drug design, one primary need is the early
recognition of potentially toxic molecules. In fact,
attrition due to nonclinical safety represents a major issue
for the productivity of pharmaceutical research and
development [1Blomme EAG, Will Y. Toxicology
strategies for drug discovery: present and future. Chem Res
Toxicol. 2016;29:473–504.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web
of Science ®], [Google
Scholar]]. In other fields, new regulatory policies
(e.g. registration, evaluation, authorization and
restriction of chemical substances and cosmetics) tend to
drastically reduce the use of animals.
As a consequence, there are considerable opportunities to
accept ‘alternative’ approaches, both in silico (e.g.
quantitative structure–activity relationships [QSAR]) and in
vitro. This research is extremely active and has generated a
large variety of approaches and proposals [2Worth A, Barroso J, Bremer S,
et al. Alternative methods for regulatory toxicology – a
state-of-the-art review. Ispra: European Commission. JRC
Science and Policy Reports; 2014. [Google
Scholar]]. Particularly relevant are large-scale funded
programs, like the European Union projects safety evaluation
ultimately replacing animal testing and EU-ToxRisk [3Daneshian M, Kamp H, Hengstler JG,
et al. Highlight report: launch of a large integrated
European in vitro toxicology project: EU-ToxRisk. Arch
Toxicol. 2016;90:1021–1024.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web
of Science ®], [Google
Scholar]] and the US Environmental Protection Agency
ToxCast project [4Kavlock RJ, Austin CP, Tice RR. Toxicity
testing in the 21st century: implications for human health
risk assessment. Risk Anal. 2009;29:485–487.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web
of Science ®] Emerging trends in technologies include
new in vitro screening assays, transcriptomics, stem cells,
engineered microscale physiological systems, 3D organotypic
culture models, and small model organisms (such as zebra
fish and Caenorhabditis elegans). A great emphasis is being
given to in-depth explorations of the mechanisms of
toxicological action: the rationale is to identify the key
events in the toxicity pathways and then devise new in
vitro tests that could specifically measure those events.
The ToxCast/Tox21 project [4Kavlock RJ, Austin CP, Tice RR. Toxicity
testing in the 21st century: implications for human health
risk assessment. Risk Anal. 2009;29:485–487.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web
of Science ®], [Google
Scholar]] and the Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) concept
and related activities [2Worth A, Barroso J, Bremer S,
et al. Alternative methods for regulatory toxicology – a
state-of-the-art review. Ispra: European Commission. JRC
Science and Policy Reports; 2014. [Google
Scholar],5Ankley GT, Bennett RS, Erickson RJ,
et al. Adverse outcome pathways: a conceptual framework to
support ecotoxicology research and risk assessment. Environ
Toxicol Chem. 2011;29:730–741.[Crossref], [Web
of Science ®], [Google
Scholar]] are examples of this new impetus. Another
challenge is to develop tools for integrating multiple types
of data from diverse experimental systems into unified risk
assessment paradigms. Romualdo Benigni (2016) Predictive
toxicology today: the transition from biological knowledge
to practicable models, Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism &
Toxicology, 12:9, 989-992, DOI: 10.1080/17425255.2016.1206889
detection & characterization:
January 21-22 2020 • San Diego, CA
Some of the hot topics for this
year will be new and novel technologies for aggregates and
impurities in gene therapies, AAVs, virus and pathogen
detection, host cell proteins, lipases and enzymatic
degradation, other particles and aggregations, and chemistry
and manufacturing controls (CMC)
study of the uses and effects of drugs in well-defined populations.[1][2]
To accomplish this study,
pharmacoepidemiology borrows from both pharmacology and epidemiology.
Thus, pharmacoepidemiology is the bridge between both pharmacology and
epidemiology. Pharmacology is the study of the effect of drugs and clinical
pharmacology is the study of effect of drugs on
clinical humans. Part of the task of clinical pharmacology is to provide a risk
benefit assessment by effects of drugs in patients: doing the studies needed to
provide an estimate of the probability of beneficial effects on populations, or
assessing the probability of adverse effects on populations.
Other parameters relating to drug use may benefit epidemiological
methodology. Pharmacoepidemiology then can also be defined as the transparent
application of epidemiological methods through pharmacological treatment of
conditions to better understand the conditions to be treated. Wikipedia accessed
2018 March 1
active metabolite:
metabolite that has pharmacological activity at the target receptor. The
activity may be greater than, equal to, or less than that of the patent drug.
Glossary, Guidance for Industry, Safety testing of drug metabolites, FDA,
is defined as the science and activities relating to the detection,
assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse effects or any other
drug-related problems. The Importance of Pharmacovigilance, WHO 2011
process of (a) monitoring medicines as used in everyday practice to identify
previously unrecognised or changes in the patterns of their adverse effects; (b)
assessing the risks and benefits of medicines in order to determine what action,
if any, is necessary to improve their safe use; (c) providing information to
users to optimise safe and effective use of medicines; (d) monitoring the impact
of any action taken. Medicines Control Agency, UK, Pilot publication
scheme, Glossary of terms, 2003
Pharmacovigilance Practices, FDA 2005
Related term: post marketing surveillance Broader term: drug safety
IV/ postmarketing surveillance: At this stage, after a drug has been
launched, pharmaceutical companies may conduct further studies of its
performance, often examining long- term safety.
FDA Postmarketing surveillance programs
See also
trials, phase I, II, III, post approval drug safety
Broader term: drug safety
Postmarket Drug Safety Information for Patients and
ADME: The completion of the Human Genome Project and recent advances in our
understanding of the molecular mechanisms of diseases have provided increasing
numbers of newly defined biological pathways and networks with potential
preventive or therapeutic targets. The development of molecular diversity
libraries and screening of these libraries have provided tremendous
opportunities to discover new chemical and biological agents for the prevention
and treatment of diseases. This created the belief that increasing numbers of
new molecular entities would enter clinical testing and would receive approval
from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat human disorders. However,
this has not occurred. Many candidate agents are failing during clinical testing
because of their unfavorable pharmacokinetic properties, unacceptable adverse
effects, or major toxicities, as well as the lack of efficacy.
safety of each new chemical entity must be demonstrated prior to its entry into
clinical trials. Investigational New Drug (IND) applications to the FDA require
chemistry, manufacturing, and control information and results from preclinical
toxicology studies for the safety of new agents. Results of nonclinical
pharmacokinetic studies for defining ADME properties, addressing important
safety issues, or assisting the evaluation of toxicology data for
investigational new agents are highly desirable in IND submissions. Novel
preclinical tools for Predictive ADME-Toxicology RFA
Number: RFA-RM-04-023, 2004
predictive toxicity
Predictive toxicology plays an important role in the
assessment of toxicity of chemicals and the drug development
process. While there are several well-established in vitro
and in vivo assays that are suitable for predictive
toxicology, recent advances in high-throughput analytical
technologies and model systems are expected to have a major
impact on the field of predictive toxicology. …
Computational models for predictive toxicology, needs for
further refinement and obstacles to expand computational
models to include additional classes of chemical compounds
are highlighted. Functional and comparative genomics
approaches in predictive toxicology are discussed with an
emphasis on successful utilization of recently developed
model systems for high-throughput analysis. The advantages
of three-dimensional model systems and stem cells and their
use in predictive toxicology testing are also described.
Zhang L, McHale CM, Greene N, et al. Emerging approaches in
predictive toxicology. Environ Mol Mutagen.
FDA, Predictive Toxicology Road Map 2017
FDA's Predictive Toxicology Roadmap
the most important challenge in
toxicology is to develop tools and approaches that predict
the toxicity potential of chemicals in an adequately
reliable manner before humans, or any other living
organisms, have been exposed to them. …Realization of this
most important goal needs scientists with versatile skills
and from different backgrounds, using a variety of tools and
approaches. Perhaps the most urgent task is to refine,
reduce, and replace testing systems based on mammalian
species by submammalian or in vitro systems. The current
paradigm of toxicity testing is heavily dependent on animal
tests that were developed decades ago. Predictive toxicity:
grand challenges. Front Pharmacol. 2010; 1:3. Published 2010
Apr 23. doi:10.3389/fphar.2010.00003
Protein aggregation and stability in Biopharmaceutical
2019 May 3-4 Boston MA The phenomenon of protein aggregation
is a complex conundrum that impacts biopharmaceutical
development at virtually every stage. All mechanisms of
aggregation are not conclusively known, but the industry
must use every effort to characterize and control these
conditions, applying a rapidly changing landscape of assays,
instrumentation, formulation strategies and process steps.
The PEGS Protein
Aggregation and Stability in Biopharmaceutical Products offers
important scientific updates and a forum for dialog among
the stakeholders in this challenging arena.

Aggregation and Emerging Analytical Tools
January 23-24 , 2020
• San Diego, CA
| covers
latest trends, challenges and solutions in understanding, characterization and
mitigation of problems generated by protein aggregation in biopharmaceuticals.
This conference will feature in-depth case studies, new and unpublished data and
interactive discussions on immunogenicity of aggregates, mechanisms of
aggregation, new tools for detection and quantitation of aggregates, and how the
data is used in regulatory filings. It will also discuss mechanistic
understanding of protein aggregation and present case studies on prevention of
particle formation by engineering and formulation approaches, aggregation in
ADCs, bipecifics, impact of aggregation on production, aggregates as a factor
for immunogenicity, and approaches for improvement of biophysical properties of
protein solutions.
Periodic Safety Update Report:
Designed to be a stand- alone document that
allows a periodic but comprehensive assessment of the worldwide safety data of a
marketed drug or biological product. MJ Klepper,
periodic safety update report as a pharmacovigilance tool, Drug Safety
27(8): 569- 578, 2004
Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy :
A Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) is a drug
safety program that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) can require for certain medications with serious
safety concerns to help ensure the benefits of the
medication outweigh its risks. REMS are designed to
reinforce medication use behaviors and actions that support
the safe use of that medication. While all medications have
labeling that informs health care stakeholders about
medication risks, only a few medications require a REMS.
studies can be divided into three categories:
primary pharmacodynamic, secondary pharmacodynamic, and safety pharmacology
studies. For the purpose of this document, safety pharmacology studies are
defined as those studies that investigate the potential undesirable
pharmacodynamic effects of a substance on physiological functions in relation to
exposure in the therapeutic range and above. ICH Guidance for Industry, S7A
Safety Pharmacology Studies for Human Pharmaceuticals, 2001
distinct scientific discipline that integrates the best practices of
pharmacology, physiology and toxicology. The objective of Safety Pharmacology
studies is to further the discovery, development and safe use of biologically
active chemical entities by the identification, monitoring and characterization
of potentially undesirable pharmacodynamic activities in nonclinical studies.
Mission Statement, Safety Pharmacology Society
In May 2008, the FDA launched the Sentinel
Initiative to create a national electronic system, the Sentinel System, for
medical product safety surveillance. The first phase of this initiative was the
Mini-Sentinel Pilot to inform the development of the Sentinel System. In
September 2014, the FDA began transitioning from the Mini-Sentinel phase to the
full Sentinel System, which officially launched in February 2016. We will
continue to expand access to new data types and develop analytic methods to
enhance our safety surveillance capabilities and allow the Agency to rapidly
address the variety of safety questions that may come up in the future.
effect: The old term "side effect" has been used in various ways
in the past, usually to describe negative (unfavourable) effects, but also
positive (favourable) effects. It is recommended that this term no longer be
used and particularly should not be regarded as synonymous with adverse event or
adverse reaction. ICH Topic E 2 A Clinical Safety Data Management: Definitions
and Standards for Expedited Reporting, EMEA European Agency for the Evaluation
of Medicinal Products CPMP/ICH/377/95, 1994 ;
Related terms: ADE adverse drug effect, ADR adverse drug reaction
Molecular diagnostics
toxicology: the combination of traditional toxicology methods with new
strategies and tools for integrating high-throughput transcriptomics,
proteomics, and metabolomics data. The goal is to better understand and predict
potential toxicities at an early stage of drug development, so that biopharmas
can gain deeper insights into the biology underlying toxicity, and make “go/
no-go” decisions well before committing to further development and clinical
trials. Kurt Zingler, Cross-Omics and Systems Toxicology, BioIT World 6
(9): 25, Nov 2007
deals with the chemical and biological analysis of the metabolism and
distribution of drugs, toxins and chemicals in animals and humans. The subject
focuses on the mechanisms by which drugs and toxins cause therapeutic and toxic
responses, as well as the use of metabolism and toxicity as a basis for drug
development. MIT Graduate Studies in Applied Biosciences, Biological Engineering
Fall 2003
Related terms: -Omes & -omics
Index: An indicator of the benefits and risks of
treatment. Year introduced: 2018 MeSH
Index, Drug: The ratio of the dose that produces
toxicity to the dose that produces a clinically desired or
effective response. MeSH
Related terms: ED 50, LD 50 Lethal Dose 50.
toxicity testing: An important part of the drug- lead-
optimization process in which investigational compounds are tested for their
potential to cause side effects.
Both animal models
and cellular assays are utilized.
toxicity tests:
array of tests used to determine the toxicity of a substance to living systems.
These include tests on clinical drugs, foods, and environmental pollutants. MeSH
The study of the
structure and output of the genome as it responds to adverse xenobiotic
exposure. Ulrich RG.
toxicogenomics of nuclear receptor agonists. Current Opinion in Chemical
Biology 7(4) 505- 510, August 2003
The ability to predict
the toxic effects of potential new drugs is crucial to prioritizing compound
pipelines and eliminating costly failures in drug development. Toxicogenomics,
which deals primarily with the effects of compounds on gene expression patterns
in target cells or tissues, is emerging as a key approach in screening new drug
candidates because it may reveal genetic signatures that can be used to predict
toxicity in these compounds.
Process of the uptake of potentially toxic substances
by the body, the biotransformation they undergo, the distribution of the
substances and their metabolites in the tissues, and the elimination of
the substances and their metabolites from the body. Both the amounts and
the concentrations of the substances are studied. The term has essentially
the same meaning as pharmacokinetics, but the latter term should
be restricted to the study of pharmaceutical substances. IUPAC Compendium
See also under
pharmacokinetics: Pharmacogenomics
Can be described, according to a U.S. National Library of
Medicine online tutorial, as "the study of the adverse effects of chemicals
or physical agents on living organisms." Such effects run the gamut from
immediate death to subtle effects that manifest only months or years after
exposure. Toxic substances may affect various levels of the body, such as a
particular organ, cell type, or biomolecule. Narrower terms:
biochemical toxicology, molecular toxicology, nanotoxicology
toxinology: In
recent years, the field of toxinology has expanded
substantially. On the one hand it studies venomous animals,
plants and micro organisms in detail to understand their
mode of action on targets. While on the other, it explores
the biochemical composition, genomics and proteomics of
toxins and venoms to understand their three interaction with
life forms (especially humans), development of antidotes and
exploring their pharmacological potential. Toxinology book
Toxicoproteomics is the use of global protein
expression technologies to better understand environmental and genetic factors,
both in episodes of acute exposure to toxicants and in the long-term development
of disease. Integrating transcript, protein, and toxicology data is a major
objective of the field of toxicogenomics. KB Tomer, DB Merrick,
a parallel approach to identifying biomarkers Environmental Health
Perspectives 2003 Aug;111(11): A578- 579.
In the context of toxicology studies, involves
assessing changes in transcription initiation, processing, and
degradation after chemical exposure using glass and membrane DNA microarrays
and low- output tools, such as ribonuclease protection assays and real-time
A compound foreign to an organism. From the Greek
foreign, bios = life. IUPAC Medicinal Chemistry
Principal xenobiotics
include drugs, carcinogens and various compounds that have been introduced
into the environment by artificial means. IUPAC Bioinorganic
A key term in toxicology (means foreign substance) is
used to identify clearly toxic substances, such as lead, or beneficial
therapeutic agents, many of which become toxic at elevated dosage levels. Drugs can
generally be characterized as having a nontoxic or beneficial dose, a toxic
dose, and a lethal dose. For example, two 650 mg aspirin tablets are usually
beneficial, while seven tablets are usually toxic, and 60 tablets can be lethal.
Similarly, a blood alcohol level of 0.05% is generally nontoxic, while 0.10% is
toxic, and 0.50% can be lethal. However, it is important to note that such
levels are averages, and individuals can manifest significant departures from
the mean, depending on expression levels of key metabolic enzymes and the
presence of polymorphisms that degrade or enhance the activity of these
Drug safety resources
ATSDR Glossary, Agency for Toxic Substances &
Disease Registry,
ICH International Council on Harmonisaiton Drug safety
IPCS International Program on Chemical Safety/ISEA International Society for
Exposure Analysis Glossary
37 terms
IUPAC, Abbreviations and acronyms of names of International Bodies, IUPAC
Glossary of Toxicology, 2007
IUPAC International
Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, CHEMISTRY AND
- IUPAC RECOMMENDATIONS 2007 Published in Pure Appl. Chem., Vol. 79, No. 7, pp.
1153-1344, 2007
IUPAC International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Glossary of Terms
used in Bioinorganic Chemistry, Recommendations, 1997. 450+ definitions.
Glossary of terms in immunotoxicology, 2012
IUPAC, Glossary for toxicokinetics of chemicals, 365 terms. Published Pure & Applied Chemistry 76 (5): 1033-1082, 2004
Nature Drug Safety
WHO, Adverse Reaction Terminology, 2009
Drug safety Conferences
World Pharmaceutical Congress WPC
Drug safety CDs, DVDs
Drug safety Short courses
to look for other unfamiliar terms
definitions are reprinted with the permission of the International Union of Pure
and Applied Chemistry