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Bibliographies Genomic
directories DATABANKS, SRS, EBI, UK or from EMBL 450+ databases, compiled nightly from public SRS servers worldwide. Complete list of servers at SRS Sequence Retrieval System Introduction to Molecular Biology Databases, R. Apweiler, R. Lopez, B. Marx, SWISS-PROT, Switzerland, 1999 Covers bibliographic, taxonomy, nucleotide sequence, genetic, protein sequence databases, PIR, SWISS- PROT, TrEML and specialised protein sequence, protein databases, secondary protein databases and structure databases. Molecular Biology Database Collection, Oxford University Press The first issue of each year of Nucleic Acids Research has been a database issue since 1996. NCBI Handbook, guide to databases and bioinformatics, National Center for Biotechnology Information, NLM, NIH, 2003 No directory will be totally comprehensive. The first two sources have more databases; the last three provide useful overviews and contexts. Selected Genomic
Data Databases NCBI Databases and tools RefSeq, NCBI Aims to provide a comprehensive, integrated, non- redundant set of sequences, including genomic DNA, transcript (RNA), and protein products, for major research organisms. UniGene, NCBI Non- redundant gene oriented clusters. See also Databases: Bibliographic Human Genome information Bioinformatics Proteomic PubGene, PubGene, Inc. Gene and protein relationships from the literature. Genomic journals and newsletters Key top journals not specific to genomics/proteomics Informatics journals Annals of Human Genetics, Blackwell Science, 1954- Principal aim is to increase understanding of the biology of human variation, both in disease and in health. In recent years it has become apparent that the study of population genetics is extremely relevant to molecular pathology. The interaction of these fields can greatly increase our understanding of the generation and maintenance of variation in the human genome. Major topics covered include: Human genome variation - its evolution and implications for human biology. Interpretations of the current or future state of the human genome sequence are also welcomed. Human population genetics - including studies which elucidate human history, our understanding of chromosome evolution, and the geographic distribution of particular diseases, worldwide. Will consider studies on primate populations. Statistical genetics - the application and improvement of mathematical approaches for analysis of genetic data, including linkage and association mapping of genes and QTLs. Welcomes papers focussing on more general bioinformatic approaches. Genetics of common multifactorial diseases and other complex traits and QTLs - in general we expect these to be human but relevant animal models will also be considered. Mendelian disorders and their molecular pathology. Focus is on human, but animal models or in vitro work may also be considered. Pharmacogenetics - the potential application of human genetic variation in response to drugs and other chemicals. BMC Genomics, BioMedCentral, 2000- All aspects of gene mapping, sequencing and analysis, functional genomics, and proteomics BMC Molecular Biology, BioMedCentral, 2000- All aspects of DNA and RNA in a cellular context, encompassing investigations of transcription, mRNA processing, translation, replication, recombination, mutation, and repair. Comparative and Functional Genomics, Wiley, 2001- Post- sequencing phases of genome analysis. A broad forum, covering complex and model organisms. Research exploiting model organisms with fully sequenced genomes to understand gene function in more complex organisms will also fall under the remit of this journal. Bioinformatic and computational tools for the study of gene and genome organisation will also be welcomed. Electronic format will enable the presentation of the large data sets commonly involved in these studies. Development, Genes and Evolution, Springer 1996- Functional and Integrative Genomics, Springer, 2000- Proteomics, Bioinformatics, Expression Profiling, Behavioral Genomics, Structural Genomics, Chemical Genomics, Pharmacogenomics, Integrative Genomics, Large- Scale Analysis of Biological Systems. Studies of any organism. Gene, Elsevier, 1976- Structural, functional, and evolutionary aspects of genes, chromatin, chromosomes and genomes. Genes and Development, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, HighWire Press, 1987- Molecular biology, molecular genetics, and related fields. Genes and Immunity, Nature Publishing, 1999- Emphasizes studies which demonstrate genetic, genomic or functional variation in the immune system, and assist our understanding of how the basic control over the immune system varies between individuals both in health and disease. The emerging role for genes outside the MHC will be of particular interest. Genes to cells Devoted to molecular & cellular mechanisms, Blackwell Science, 1996- Papers describing important aspects of molecular and cellular biology. The journal aims to present papers that provide conceptual advance in the relevant field. Particular emphasis will be placed on work aimed at understanding the basic mechanisms underlying biological events. Genome Biology, BioMedCentral Ltd., 2000- Dissemination, discussion and critical review of information about all areas of biology informed by genomic research. Key objectives are to provide a guide to the rapidly developing resources and technology in genomics and its impact on biological research, to publish large datasets and extensive results that are not readily accommodated in traditional journals, and to help establish new standards and nomenclature for post- genomic biology. Genome Research, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, HighWire Press 1995- Genome studies in all species, and presents research that provides or aids in genome- based analyses of biological processes. The journal represents a nexus point where genomic information, applications, and technology come together with biological information to create a more global understanding of all biological systems. Novel reports on gene discovery, comparative genome analyses, proteomics, evolution studies, informatics, genome structure and function, technological innovations and applications, statistical and mathematical methods, cutting- edge genetic and physical mapping and DNA sequencing, and other reports that present data where sequence information is used to address biological concerns. Complete data sets are presented electronically on the journal's web site. Genomics,
Elsevier, 1987- Human Molecular Genetics, Oxford University Press 1992- All aspects of human molecular genetics, including: the molecular basis of human genetic disease, developmental genetics, cancer genetics, neurogenetics, chromosome and genome structure and function, gene therapy, mouse and other models of human diseases, functional genomics, computational genomics. Also publishes research on other model systems for the analysis of genes, especially when there is an obvious relevance to human genetics. Mechanisms of Aging and Development, Elsevier, 1972- A multidisciplinary journal aimed at revealing the biological mechanisms that underlie the process of ageing. Developmental mechanisms which have a clearly defined impact on ageing are also included. Not included are the following: (1) work concerned only with early development; (2) studies on age changes that are purely descriptive and which do not address underlying mechanisms; (3) clinical, psychological or social case studies and reports. Mechanisms of Development, Elsevier, 1990- Contemporary studies in developmental biology with special emphasis on the characterization of molecular mechanisms underlying development processes in either vertebrates, invertebrates or plants. Areas of particular interest include embryogenesis, pattern formation, cell determination and differentiation, specification of tissue type, targeted disruptions of developmental control genes, the roles of transcription factor in development, regulatory hierarchies of gene expression, cell- cell communication and signal transduction in development, as well as post-transcriptional controls of developmental processes such as regulated splicing and protein modification. Gene Expression Patterns is a section devoted to the rapid publication of high quality papers reporting patterns of expression of genes during development. Was Cell differentiation and development Molecular Genetics and Genomics MGG, Springer Verlag, 2001- All areas of general and molecular genetics developmental genetics, somatic cell genetics and genetic engineering irrespective of the organism involved. Articles on animal or plant breeding or human genetics are only published if the results are of significance for basic genetic research. Molecular genetics and metabolism, Elsevier 1998- Articles describing investigations that use the tools of biochemistry and molecular biology for studies of normal and diseased states. Research Areas include: Inherited Metabolic Diseases, Intercellular and Intracellular Metabolic Relationships, Cellular Catalysts, Disease Pathogenesis.Nature, Nature Publishing, 1869- Criteria for publication of scientific papers (Articles and Letters) in Nature are that they: report original scientific research (the main results and conclusions must not have been published or submitted elsewhere), are of outstanding scientific importance, reach a conclusion of interest to an interdisciplinary readership. Nature Cell Biology, Nature Publishing, 1999- All areas of cell biology, encouraging those that shed light on the molecular mechanisms responsible for fundamental cell biological processes. Scope is broad and includes the following areas (not listed in order of preference): Membrane traffic and protein sorting, Cell adhesion and migration, Signal transduction, Proteolysis, Apoptosis, Organisation of the nucleus and nuclear transport, Developmental biology, Cell cycle and cell division, Cytoskeletal dynamics and molecular motor function, Transcription and chromatin, Cell cycle, DNA replication and repair, Cellular mechanisms of neurobiology, immunology and human disease (provided that the primary focus is on general processes of cell biology), Microbiology, Plant cell biology, Stem cells. Nature Genetics, Nature Publishing, 1992- Particular emphasis on genetic mechanism through studies on human traits and model organisms (including mouse, yeast, C. elegans, Drosophila and zebrafish). Also features New Technology articles. Our aim is to publish results of exceptional significance, originality and relevance not just to geneticists but to the scientific community at large. Nature Neuroscience, Nature Publishing, 1998- Multidisciplinary journal in all areas of neuroscience. It welcomes contributions in molecular, cellular, systems and cognitive neuroscience, as well as psychophysics, computational modeling and diseases of the nervous system. No area is excluded from consideration, although priority is given to studies that provide fundamental insights into the functioning of the nervous system. Nature Reviews Genetics, Nature Publishing, 2000- Scope includes: Genomics (genome projects, genome sequencing, bioinformatics), Functional genomics (transcript profiling, mutant screens, bioinformatics), Evolutionary genetics (evo- devo, comparative genomics, population genetics, phylogenetics), Technology (new techniques, experimental strategies, therapy, applied genetics and genomics, computational biology), Multifactorial genetics (complex disease, disease susceptibility/ resistance, association studies, technology), Disease (disease gene identification, relationship between genotype and phenotype, molecular pathology of genetic disease), Chromosome biology (DNA elements, telomeres, centromeres, mobile elements, artificial chromosomes, chromosome stability), Epigenetics (DNA methylation, histone modification, chromatin structure, imprinting, chromatin remodeling), Developmental biology (reproductive technology, patterning, differentiation, evo- devo), Gene expression (DNA elements, LCRs, insulators, enhancers, silencers, broad perspectives on gene regulation) Nature Reviews: Molecular Cell Biology, Nature Publishing, 2000- Scope includes: Chromosome biology (chromosome structure, chromatin, transposons), Nucleic- acid metabolism (DNA repair, recombination and replication), Gene expression (transcription, splicing, RNA stability, translation, circadian rhythms), Nuclear transport (import and export of molecules to and from the nucleus), Protein structure and metabolism (structure- function relationships, quality control, post- translational modifications, folding, translocation, degradation), Membrane dynamics (membrane organization, endocytosis, exocytosis, organelle biogenesis), Bioenergetics (photosynthesis, respiration, organelle biochemistry), Cell signalling (signalling cascades, ion channels, gap junctions), Cell growth and division (cancer, cell cycle, cytokinesis), Cytoskeletal dynamics (cell motility, molecular motors, actin, microtubules, intermediate filaments), Cell adhesion (adhesion molecules, extracellular matrix), Developmental cell biology (asymmetric cell division, stem- cell biology, developmental signalling, differentiation), Cell death (apoptosis, necrosis), Cellular microbiology (host- pathogen interactions), Plant cell biology. Physiological Genomics, American Society of Physiology, 1999- Wide variety of studies from human and from informative model systems with techniques linking genes and pathways to physiology, from prokaryotes to eukaryotes. Encourages the submission of research that links genes to cell replication, development, metabolic function, cell signal transduction and intracellular signaling pathways, tissue and organ function, and whole organism function and the utilization of approaches ranging from expression profiling, assays for molecular interactions, natural and directed gene alteration, selective breeding studies, gene identification, and the assessment of gene/ environment interaction and new computational approaches, integrative models, and image analysis predictive of gene function. PLOS Biology Public Library of Science, 2003- We believe there is a global need for greater access to scientific and medical information and that open- access journals can meet this need by removing subscription barriers to the written scientific record. Our goal, however, is not simply to provide a free online journal. Our goal is to create a potent scientific and public resource. As more open-access articles become available, we and many others will be working to develop new tools for integrating, interlinking, organizing, searching, and annotating this expanding collection of information. We invite the community to share these tools as they become available on our site, as well as to propose tools, links, and techniques that would make this treasury of scientific information more useful. Science, AAAS and Science Online Somatic cell and molecular genetics, Kluwer, 1984- Cellular and molecular genetics of higher eukaryotic systems. The focus is on studies with animal or plant cells in the following areas: gene expression and regulation, gene transfer into cultured cells or embryos, gene isolation, gene mapping, gene therapy, molecular biology of inherited diseases, recombination, mutation, chromosome replication, and the genetics of subcellular organelles. Studies on related topics - such as cell differentiation, malignant transformation, cell- virus interactions, X chromosome inactivation, cell cycle regulation, cell membranes, nuclear transfer, blastomere aggregation, and immunogenetics are published. More journals genomics Chemical genomics Keeping
current PubCrawler Alerting service for PubMed and GenBank. Websites
Genome information
Human Genome journal issues International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium
special issue: Nature 409 (6822) 15 Feb., 2001 Science, Human Genome Celera Genomics special issue: Science 291 (5507)
Feb. 16, 2001 Open Directory Project Human Genomics NCBI Human Genome Resources Biocarta Gene function, proteomic pathways, ePosters, and research reagents. eGenome, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia See also Gene nomenclature Bioinformatics databases Genomics Websites Bioresearch, BIOME, Greenfield Medical Library, Univ. of Nottingham, UK Searchable catalogue of Internet sites and resources covering the health and life sciences. Functional genomics
is functional genomics? IBM Functional Genomics and Systems Biology Integrative approaches to combine functional and systems level knowledge with more traditional genomic code and annotation information. Comparative
genomics Ensembl genome browser A software system which produces and maintains automatic annotation on eukaryotic genomes. Virtual Library: Model Organisms For comparative and functional genomics Special issues of Science – index Completed genomes Many model organisms Nature Genome Gateway Papers Model organisms Comparative genomics
databases BioCyc A collection of Pathway/Genome Databases. Each database in the BioCyc collection describes the genome and metabolic pathways of a single organism, with the exception of the MetaCyc database, which is a reference source on metabolic pathways from many organisms. HOMOLOGENE, NCBI, US Homology resource which includes both curated and calculated orthologs and homologs for genes represented in UniGene and LocusLink for human, mouse, rat, and zebrafish. Trans-NIH Model Organisms Initiative, NIH, US See also non-human gene nomenclature Proteomics
resources Selected Proteomic Databases
Flexgene, Harvard Institute of Proteomics FlexPROT, Harvard Institute of Proteomics Human Protein Reference Database, Johns Hopkins PIR Protein Information Resource, Georgetown Medical Center. MedGene, Harvard Institute of Proteomics Molecule Pages, Alliance for Cellular Signaling, Signaling Gateway, Nature Database of key facts about proteins involved in cellular signaling. For each of these, the database currently provides a large amount of 'automated' data, collected from numerous other online resources and updated monthly. PEP Prediction of Entire Proteomes, Columbia Univ. ORFs (open reading frames) and predicted putative structural domains (self-sufficient folding units), or fragments, within the ORFs. Collectively these fragments have been analysed for the same features, i.e. protein homologs and secondary structure features. Universal Protein Knowledgebase (UniProt) consortium. Our mission is to provide a comprehensive, fully classified, richly and accurately annotated protein sequence knowledgebase. The central database will have two sections, corresponding to Swiss-Prot (fully manually curated entries) and TrEMBL (enriched with automated classification, annotation, and extensive cross- references). Proteomics
journals Journal of Proteome Research, American Chemical Society, 2002- All aspects of systems- oriented, global protein analysis and function, emphasizing the synergy between physical and life sciences resulting in a multi- disciplinary approach to the understanding of biological processes. Integrates the fields of chemistry, mathematics, applied physics, biology, and medicine to better understand the function of proteins in biological systems. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics MCP, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2002- Scope purposely broad. Open to contributions that describe the structural and functional properties of proteins and their expression, particularly with respect to the developmental time courses of the organism of which they are a part. Emphasis on determining how the presence or absence of proteins affects biological responses and how the interaction of proteins with germane cellular partners allows them to function. Focus will be on both structural and functional aspects of proteins. Significant advances in methodology would be appropriate subject matter too. The inclusion of array technologies that measure changes in mRNA levels (as opposed to other arrays) can well be viewed as the interface between genomics and proteomics. However, the important predictive value of this information with respect to subsequent changes in expression of the proteins themselves suggests that this area of investigation also falls within the proposed scope of the journal. It is also important to recognize that a significant part of the work on proteomics for the foreseeable future will reflect calculations and/or predictions as opposed to experimental data. This, of course, is particularly true for those aspects of bioinformatics that address needs in proteomics. Spin-off from the Journal of Biological Chemistry Nature Structural & Molecular Biology NSMB, Nature Publishing, 1994- Will place a strong emphasis on functional studies, and on understanding biological processes in terms of their underlying molecular mechanisms. Specific areas of interest will include: Structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids and other macromolecules, Structure and function of multi- component complexes, DNA replication, repair and recombination, Chromatin structure and remodeling, Transcription, RNA processing, Translation, Regulation of transcription and translation, Functions of non- coding RNAs, Protein folding, processing and degradation, Sorting and trafficking of proteins and RNA, Signal transduction and intracellular signaling, Membrane processes, Cell surface proteins and cell- cell interactions, Molecular basis of disease. Was Nature Structural Biology Proteome Science, BioMedCentral, 2003- Structural biology, mass spectrometry, protein arrays, bioinformatics, HTS assays, protein chemistry, cell biology, signal transduction and physiology, as long as they have a component which relates to functional and structural proteomics. Methods papers are also welcome, if they contain novel findings or previously unpublished techniques. Proteomics, Wiley-VCH,
2001- Proteomonitor, GenomeWeb Newsletter
Proteomics Websites Science Proteomics Structural biology, NIH Roadmap See also Information Resources Drug discovery & development Pharmacogenomics Toxicogenomics Biotech,
genomics, proteomics organizations Technologies Overviews & introductions Journals Blogs Webs Buyers' guides Protocols Microarrays and protein chips Molecular Imaging PCR Stem cells Technologies Bibliographies Virtual library: Biotechnology Technologies Databases CRISP Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects A searchable database of federally funded biomedical research projects, maintained by the Office of Extramural Research, NIH, includes projects funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP), Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ), and Office of Assistant Secretary of Health (OASH), research grants, research projects, grants and SBIR/STRR awards. CRISP Thesaurus engineering databases? Technologies
journals and newsletters Biomedical Chromatography, Wiley, 1986- Methods and techniques relevant to the separation, identification and determination of substances in biochemistry, biotechnology, molecular biology, cell biology, clinical chemistry, pharmacology and related disciplines. These include the analysis of body fluids, cells and tissues, purification of biologically important compounds, pharmacokinetics and sequencing methods using HPLC, GC, HPLC-MS, TLC, paper chromatography, affinity chromatography, gel filtration, electrophoresis and related techniques. Current drug discovery technologies, Bentham, 2004- Comprehensive overviews of all the major modern techniques and technologies used in drug design and discovery. Novel approaches and cutting edge technologies, including integration issues of the drug discovery process. Journal of Biomolecular Techniques, Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities ABRF, 1998- Established to promote the central role biotechnology plays in contemporary research activities, to disseminate information among biomolecular resource facilities. Welcomes contributions from specialists in protein and nucleic acid chemistry, mass spectrometry, bioinformatics, biomolecular resource facilities operations and management, and related areas. Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications Elsevier, 1994- [variant titles] Addresses advancements in and applications of analytical methodologies related to drugs, other biologically active compounds, metabolites, biomarkers as well as to bio- polymers such as proteins, peptides, nucleic acids, glycans. Areas considered include: clinical analysis, therapeutic drug monitoring, pharmaceutical analysis, toxicological analysis, bio- environmental analysis and novel approaches to sample preparation in analysis of biological matrices, the qualitative and quantitative analysis of biopolymers including proteins, peptides and their post- translational modifications as well as nucleic acids and glycans, the screening and profiling of body fluids, tissues, biological matrices and system related to monitoring the level of active substances, including metabolites, biomarkers and toxicants, the comparative analysis of biological systems using proteomics, genomics, metabonomics and other "omics" including novel ways of data handling and interpretation, preparative aspects related to separation and isolation of bioactive compounds including biopolymers. Analytical techniques covered include the various facets of chromatography, electrophoresis and related methods, including mass spectrometry and affinity- based methodologies, Nature Bio Technology, Nature Publishing 1983- Novel biological research papers that demonstrate the possibility of application in the pharmaceutical, medical, agricultural, and environmental sciences. Analysis of and commentary on the research we publish, as well as on the business, regulatory, and societal activities that influence this research. Core areas include agricultural biotechnology (including engineering of disease/pest resistance and other agronomic traits; nutriceuticals); environmental biotechnology (bioremediation and biodiversity); applied immunology (antibody engineering, xenotransplantation technologies, stem cell therapies, T-cell therapies); genomics (bioinformatics, functional analysis); molecular engineering (combinatorial approaches and rational design); gene therapy (replacement, repair, antisense and ribozymes); and tissue engineering. . Scientist, BioMedCentral, 1986- A unifying forum for discussion of the topics -news, research, profession and technology - that drive scientific progress. Technologies Newsletters SNPTech Reporter, GenomeWeb Newsletter smalltimes: Nanoscience newsletter Tech Central Station
Drugs Biotech
Blogs Corante: Biotechnology See also Bioinformatics blogs Technologies Websites NHGRI, Genome Technology Program Nanotech Briefs Will this continue. Oct 2003 is Vol. 1 No. 1 SeparationsNow Electrophoresis, Gas Chromatography, HPLC, hyphenated techniques, Genomics SpectroscopyNow Atomic, Infrared, MRI, Mass Spectrometry, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance NMR, Raman, Ultraviolet and Visible Spectroscopies, X-ray spectrometry, Chemometrics, Proteomics Buyer’s
guides, products and services BIO-IT, Buyer's Guide for the Life Sciences BioWire, LabVelocity Inc. Product Reviews Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, BioSupplyNet Nature Biotechnology Directory Protocols BioProtocols, Current Protocols Online, Wiley Special topics Microarrays & protein chips Molecular Imaging PCR Stem cell research Microarrays
and protein chips What's a
Microarrays Bibliography Selected
Microarrays Databases AMAD Another MicroArray Database, Joe DeRisi's Lab, Biochemistry & Biophysics, Univ. of California- San Francisco, US Public source for software, technology and protocols. ArrayExpress, EBI, UK A public repository for microarray based gene expression data. Currently the EBI is establishing a pilot database containing microarray gene expression data that are available publicly RNA Abundance Database RAD, CBIL, Univ. of Pennsylvania, US A public gene expression database designed to hold data from array-based (microarrays, high-density oligo arrays, macroarrays) and nonarray- based (SAGE) experiments. The ultimate goal is to allow comparative analysis of experiments performed by different laboratories using different platforms and investigating different biological systems. Microarray
Journals and Newsletters Lab on a chip, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2001- Examines miniaturisation research, technology and its applications in chemistry, biology, physics, electronics, clinical chemistry, fabrication, engineering and materials science, aiding communication and collaboration across disciplines. It covers key areas such as: Combinatorial chemistry, Synthetic chemistry, Biotechnology, Electronics, Analytical chemistry, Environmental monitoring, Medical diagnostics and screening, Clinical chemistry, Genomics, proteomics, cellomics (DNA probes, PCR), Pharmaceuticals, Materials science, Engineering, Fluidics, Reactor technology, Fabrication, Robotics, Waste minimisation. Microarray Websites and listservs Gene Chips, Gene-arrays bionet.molbio.genearrays
Molecular Imaging
Molecular Libraries and Imaging, NIH Roadmap PCR
Bibliography PCR journal PCR protocols Stem cell research Stem cells, US President's Council on Bioethics Stem Cells, BIOME, UK Journals Stem Cells, Alphamed Press, 1983- Other Information resources Genomics, proteomics Drug discovery & development Chemical genomics Toxicogenomics Bioinformatics Cheminformatics Technologies Molecular Medicine Business What are genomics and proteomics? chemical genomics? pharmacogenomics? toxicogenomics? What are bioinformatics? cheminformatics? informatics?
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