Comments? Questions?
Last revised March 23, 2012
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Am I required to register for the Genomic
Glossaries to use the site?
You may choose not to register, and you will
still be able to view any and all pages of the Glossaries. You will have to
scroll past the registration form, which will appear at the top of each page for
any user who has not registered.
Why does CHI request registration for the
The Genomic Glossaries are made available to
users at no charge. To justify the expense of maintaining this
resource, it is important for CHI to obtain better data on who is using the
site. Data on the number of people who register from different pages also helps
us to prioritize where additional information may be needed, and where usage may
not justify additional effort.
Why is e-mail a required field?
A person’s e-mail is standard and unique, and
is considered the most reliable way to make sure that duplicate records are not
created for the same person. We also make use of e-mail for providing
information that would be of interest and value to you. Any of these messages
provide you the opportunity to be removed from the distribution list. Once we
receive your request for removal your file will be updates accordingly.
Why does my computer need to accept cookies?
When you register, a cookie is written to your
machine so that the next time you return to the Genomics Glossaries site, you do
not need to re-register. If your computer does not accept cookies, or if you are
accessing the site from a different computer, you will have to reregister. We
apologize for that inconvenience.
What if I do not want to be sent information?
Your satisfaction is one of our greatest
concerns. CHI's database contains information that may be shared with other life
sciences companies in order to provide you with useful and current information.
Our database has been designed to allow us to remove those individuals who no
longer wish to receive material from CHI or third parties. If you no longer wish
to receive information or do not want your information shared with third
parties, contact Audrey Morrissey at;
phone 617-630-1348; fax 617-630-1325. Your file will be updated accordingly.
What should I do if my information changes?
If your e-mail changes, you will need to
re-register. If other contact information changes, please provide us with
updated information so that we can keep our records accurate and provide you
with relevant information using the new contact information.
Who will have access to my contact
Your information will be added to the CHI
database of individuals involved and/or interested in biomedical fields. We
make use of this database to carefully select individuals to whom we send
information about the most relevant products and services that we offer,
excluding anyone who has opted-out. We do make
selected names available for use by other groups who want to provide information
of interest to people in this field on a one-time use basis. We have a strict
policy that we do not provide lists of e-mails to any outside organization.